The Gift Within The Illusion - a daily inspiration

6 days ago

September 28 - The Gift Within The Illusion - a daily inspiration
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The value and gift of any illusion (anything that seems to be in opposition to God’s love) is to experience it long enough to realize that it is not in alignment with our loving nature. When we learn to see and recognize the illusionary nature of the ego’s world, its power over us diminishes. The more we experience the ego’s illusions, the less return we will get for our investment. The more we recognize the ego’s “truths” as lies, the less we will rely on its mindset and tools. Any spiritual teacher or guru can tell us that to find peace, we need to forgive in order to let go of our anger and resentment. Yet it was only because we held onto anger and resentment long enough that we can now truly appreciate and understand their full weight.

Today, let’s look at our past with gratitude, instead of judgment. Let us acknowledge the wisdom and life experience we accumulated thanks to it. With this understanding at hand, let us forgive and offer our gratitude for the part everyone and every experience has played in our awakening. We would not be who we are today without our past. Every step on the ladder of life has helped us reach a higher state of mind. Today, let us forgive ourself and others for everything we thought we did wrong and judged ourself guilty of. Haven’t we learned from our experiences? Isn’t that why we are here — to grow, learn and awaken to who we are in truth? Aren’t we here to teach others what we have learned? When we teach others what we have learned, we gain a better understanding of our soul’s sacred purpose and the sacred purpose of what we have learned.
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