90 in 90 - day10 - Life on Life's Terms.

5 months ago

90 in 90 day10 - Life on Life's Terms.
We hope these topics are useful to you and help you on your path to living a life beyond your dreams.
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Welcome to day 10 of 90 in 90. We appreciate you sticking with us as we share topics that we have found to make a difference in our lives. Today we will discuss the concept of Life on life's terms.
Let's begin with a prayer... Prayer, Higher Power, grant me the strength to accept life as it comes, to be aware of the life I currently have, as a result of my previous choices, and the better life I can have by living my life actively engaged in my recovery. Please help me to see the obstacles to grace, and to make changes that bring me to a better life.
"Life on life’s terms" means accepting reality as it is, not as I wish it to be. It’s about understanding that life unfolds in ways I can’t always control or predict, and my task is to adapt, not resist. Living life on life’s terms allows me to find peace and strength in facing challenges head-on, trusting that I can handle whatever comes my way without needing to escape or avoid it.
It has been my experience that Life on Life's terms is often a settlement to the reality that sometimes I make bad choices and get results, and I don't like them. Never forget, bad choices bring difficulties. And ideally, I would want to only make good ones, but there is a catch, sometimes the only way to learn is by making mistakes. And the lesson will be repeated until the lesson is learned. I pray the lesson is learned sooner than later, and when the consequences are less than they will be with repeated lessons.
With this knowledge, I can look forward to living in this way. I get to learn that I don’t need to control everything to find peace. By accepting life, at least some aspect of a situation I cannot change, as it is, Lifes flaws, difficulties, and all, i free myself from the constant battle to make things different and instead focus on how I can respond with strength, grace, and resilience. This approach allows me to live more fully in the present, without being weighed down by unmet expectations or fear of the unknown.
The great part of life’s terms is that opportunity it presents me. 10 percent of life is what happens to me and ninety percent of life is what I do with it. With any eventuality, I get to find the opportunity, the possibility, the privilege of using these experiences to learn a better way to be, a new way to live.
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