Cardinal Sin - Sloth | Perilous World Radio 9/25/24

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Tune in to the Perilous World Radio show with your host Alan Masters! Today, we're diving into the hot topic of laziness. We've all had those moments when we just can't seem to muster up the energy to get anything done. As Sir Isaac Newton once said, "an object at rest will remain at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it." In other words, sometimes we need that extra push to get us moving. It's all too easy to stay in our comfort zones and avoid the challenges of the outside world. But hiding away and fretting won't do us any favors. It is said that Idleness opens up various doors of opportunity for the devil to enter. The bottom line is that we're slowly withering away if we let this internal lethargy take root and consume us. Let's break free from the cycle of laziness and start living life to the fullest!
Coming up next is our Battlefront Counterattack segment with Colonel Monaco and special guest, Kansas State Representative Pat Proctor, 41st District. Today, the gentlemen want to discuss Honoring Our Gold Star Families. After 25 years in the Army and deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, Proctor has had the opportunity to get to know a lot of Gold Star families. The tradition dates to World War I. In the military, a Blue Star comes from the symbol on the service flag used to denote a family member who is serving. As such, those with active-duty relatives are called “Blue Star Families.” But in the event of a death, that Blue Star is replaced with a Gold Star — the highest honor. Gold Star Family Day is this Sunday. What do you think these families would want to be done to honor their sacrifice? Tune in for the full interview to see what you can do for our service men and women.

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