My Word is Bread and Wine and its Value is inconceivable ❤️ Jesus explains thru Bertha Dudde

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The inconceivable Value of the Word of God... My Word is Bread & Wine

June 17/18, 1949 - Message 4671 from Jesus through Bertha Dudde

Nothing can prove My love to you more vividly than My Word, nothing can lead you more safely to the goal than My Word, nothing gives you as much insight into My reign and activity as My Word. Therefore, My Word must be desired with all your senses, it must be asked for as a most precious gift and accepted with heartfelt thanks, for nothing else can replace it...

It is the emanation of Myself and consequently must be of utmost effectiveness. And yet it is not recognized and used according to its value, and man remains distant from the goal he must strive to achieve. For truly, I tell you, you must do the will of the One who created you, you must not close yourselves off or turn away from Me, and if you wish to act according to My will, then you must listen to Me.

As My children you must listen to what the Father speaks to you, for only love determines Me to externalize Myself, and you must not reject My love or you will remain powerless and ignorant, thus remaining in spiritual darkness. However, if you listen to Me you will enter a stage full of light from which you will never again sink back into darkness. You may only continually increase your degree of light if you listen to My Word, thereby coming into contact with the very wellspring of light.

You will be nourished with light and strength, for if you listen to Me, you receive My Word, you receive Me within you, He who is the Word from eternity. You do not yet grasp this and are therefore not aware of the great grace the transmission of My Word signifies for you... I Myself make contact with you in a sort of visible form... you hold evidence of comprehensive knowledge in your hands, and thereby you provide evidence of having been instructed from above. This applies to My directly received Word, wherever I evidently reveal Myself. Yet even if you receive My Word in another manner, it will nonetheless radiate its strength to you who receive it in your desire to hear Me.

By the desire of your heart will My spirit be poured out upon you, your thinking will be righteous, your knowledge will correspond to the truth, and you will understand everything that is imparted to you through My Word. You will always come into contact with the source of light and strength if you ask for it, and the transmission will always take place through My Word, regardless of whether it is received directly, by reading or by listening to My messengers. I Myself am present to you in the Word, and this already gives you the guarantee that you will not leave empty-handed.

In the Word I Myself descend to you and, as Father, bring My children the bread of life they need as nourishment for their souls... The Word means everything... Food and drink, light and strength, love and wisdom... Whoever has My Word will never be lost again, it is My flesh and My blood, bread and wine from heaven, it is the outflow of My love, for I Myself am the Word.... Amen

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