I knock and you do not receive Me... Your Remorse will be great ❤️ Jesus Christ thru Bertha Dudde

3 months ago

Text & Audio... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2024/09/17/ich-klopfe-i-knock/
Bertha Dudde Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/bertha-dudde-offenbarungen-revelations/
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Bertha Dudde... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCsKnU-ZHUOHHmDCysMU5GzO
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Personal Word from the Lord... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Source... https://bertha-dudde.info/download/index.html

I knock and you do not receive Me... Your Remorse will be great

April 4, 1947 - Message 4016 from Jesus through Bertha Dudde

Anyone who does not listen to Me deprives himself of the greatest grace, and he will regret it one day when he has come to realize what My revelation means for man. I Myself descend to earth and draw close to My creations, they who do not make even the slightest attempt to draw close to Me.

I speak to them as a father speaks to his children... Words of love... and attempt to win their hearts and grant My children bliss by instructing them and introducing them to the eternal truth. I offer them spiritual wealth, a treasure everlasting, one you may receive from Me alone, for which there is no substitute, neither on earth nor in the beyond, guaranteeing you eternal life. I provide for eternity, so that it may be blissful for you, so that you will live and not succumb to spiritual death... That is why I Myself come to you in the Word, because I wish to make you blissful creations...

And yet you do not accept Me. You have Me knock in vain and do not open the door of your heart to Me, the thing I wish to possess, because I love you. One day you will realize what a precious gift of grace you left unnoticed, and the remorse will be great indeed... Yet I cannot command you to accept My Word, for you are of your own free will and must decide for yourselves; even the most precious thing, My Word, must be offered to you in such a way that you are not compelled to accept it.

And so I must convey it to you in such a way that you may certainly believe its divine origin, but cannot prove it, for proof thereof would result in compulsion to believe, something I will never make use of if you are to reach the state of perfection. Yet it is made simple for you to believe that the Word originates from Me, He who is the Word Himself from eternity. For My Word teaches love alone, and anyone who earnestly examines it will also come to recognize love within it, and the divine origin will be undeniable to him, for love always proves divinity, because love and I are one.

Yet anyone who rejects it without examining it has no desire for Me, for the truth, for love, for grace or for eternal life. He will have only himself to blame for having refused to listen to Me... And he will make few preparations for eternity. He will live without considering how his life after the death of his body will take shape, he will only pay attention to his earthly life and he will not hear My voice, because he will allow the voice of the world to drown it out.

And the end will come, the day when everything will be cleansed away and only those who have become My own will be saved, those who accept My Word and live accordingly, and thus have a rich treasure of grace at their disposal, an abundance of bliss in the spiritual kingdom... in eternity... Amen

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