Nio and BYD want to sell EV's without a battery, to take on Tesla and gas-powered cars

1 month ago

Video: Nio and BYD want to sell EV's without a battery, to take on Tesla and gas-powered cars. 蔚來和比亞迪希望銷售不帶電池的電動車,以對抗特斯拉和汽油動力汽車

Nio is a Chinese electric vehicle maker who has taken a radical approach to selling EV's: sell cars without the battery, and allow their customers to swap for fully charged batteries whenever needed.

Nio has spent the past five years building a comprehensive, and expensive, network of battery swapping stations. Buyers of Nio vehicles lease the batteries, and instead of charging them they take them to a station where they are replaced.

This strategy allows Nio to sell at a price far below competitors. Swapping a battery takes only minutes, while charging requires hours.

Though it's early, customers thus far report a strong preference for the option of battery swapping, compared to fast charging. What's more, providing a fast and convenient charge positions Nio to directly challenge gas-driven cars.

Nio is partnered with BYD and CATL, the world's top producers of electric vehicle batteries. All three firms are now fully invested in the battery swap strategy, and believe that their sales growth is limited only by how quickly they can build more charging stations. And if they are correct, they will transform the transportation industry with little chance for rivals to catch up, for decades to come.


蔚來花了過去五年的時間建立了一個全面且昂貴的電池交換站網路。 蔚來汽車的買家租賃電池,而不是充電,而是將電池帶到充電站進行更換。

這項策略使得蔚來能夠以遠低於競爭對手的價格出售。 更換電池只需幾分鐘,而充電則需要數小時。

儘管現在還為時過早,但迄今為止,與快速充電相比,客戶更傾向於更換電池。 更重要的是,提供快速便捷的充電服務使蔚來汽車能夠直接挑戰汽油驅動汽車。

蔚來汽車與全球頂級電動車電池生產商比亞迪和寧德時代合作。 這三家公司現在都全力投資於電池更換策略,並相信他們的銷售成長僅受限於他們建造更多充電站的速度。 如果他們是對的,他們將改變交通運輸業,在未來幾十年內競爭對手幾乎沒有機會迎頭趕上.

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