BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON MESSIANIC E322 Parash 52 Vayelech D’varim (Deut) 31_1-31_30

5 months ago

E322 Parash 52 Vayelech D’varim (Deut) 31:1-31:30

Deu 31:29 because I know that after my death you will become very corrupt and turn aside from the way that I have ordered you, and that disaster will come upon you in the acharit-hayamim, because you will do what YEHOVAH sees as evil and provoke him by your deeds."

Many times children do not listen to their parents. The parent tells the teenager that person who they think is so great. Is not really a friend at all. But, the teenager has to do it their own way. Then after much trouble and tears the teenager yields and hopefully says “you were right dad”. Ya’know this type of behavior does not only apply to teenagers but adults towards our FATHER in heaven and HIS PERFECT LAWS. Learn about the teenager syndrome in this lesson.

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