6 days ago

P207 Parash 52 Vayelech D’varim / Deuteronomy Vayelech31:1-31:30
Synopsis – The theme of this portion is completion. In God, completion is a process that includes a journey. Sometimes the journey is physical, sometimes it is purely spiritual, and oftentimes it is both. Each human life is a journey. Adonai has given us a travel itinerary or travel plan in His Word. WE know our destination is to live with the Lord in His Heavenly Kingdom where the perfect accommodations include a mansion that has been prepared for us ahead of time by Yeshua. Adonai had always anticipated that man would not stick to the plans He had given to us. He had to send leaders and prophets and judges to keep Israel on the path and on schedule. Eventually, He sent Yeshua to help us find our way back on track. Many weary travelers can tell about the value of traveling tricks that helped to ease the burdens or pass the time during long journeys. The Lord inspired songs for us in scripture that testify to His greatness. These songs are recorded in the Tanakh, the Psalms, and even in the Book of Revelation. If we are listening and paying attention, each of us will have learned the necessary lessons along the way. If we have reached our destination, we will be in a condition quite different than the one in which we started. In the end we will be gathered with the upright and the prepared. We will be ready to cross over into the eternal promises of the abundant life with the Lord in His Kingdom.

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