Why is Israel attacking Lebanon? What is Hezbollah really? Explaining the colonial war

5 months ago

Israel is bombing Lebanon, with staunch US support. An Israeli minister vowed that "Lebanon will be annihilated". Ben Norton analyzes the colonial war, explains the origins of Hezbollah, and provides historical context.

0:00 Israel is waging war on Lebanon
1:19 ICC accuses Israeli officials of crimes against humanity
2:41 USA facilitates Israel's crimes
4:16 Israeli education minister vows "Lebanon as we know it will not exist"
4:35 (Clip) Israeli minister: "Lebanon will be annihilated"
4:52 Israeli media calls for g*noc1de against Palestinians
5:27 Israeli minister boasts of new Nakba in Gaza
6:00 Israeli minister says Lebanon, Syria, Iraq are not sovereign states
8:34 Zionism & Israel: European colonialism in Palestine
10:22 (Clip) Netanyahu applauded in US Congress
10:43 Israel is the aggressor in Lebanon
11:56 Which countries call Hezbollah a "t3rr*rist" group?
13:44 Hezbollah's origins in Israeli occupation of Lebanon
16:29 Hezbollah's alliance with Christians & religious minorities
19:02 ISIS, Al-Qaeda, & Syria War
23:08 Israel, ISIS, & Al-Qaeda
26:02 Lebanon's sovereignty & territorial integrity
27:25 Outro

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