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Proverbs 4:2 New King James Version
2 For I give you good doctrine:
Do not forsake my law.

I've read this passage of scriptures so many times guys, but today after reading it, I was both encouraged and educated into how important it is to be truly following God, but also, encouraged to want to pass on what I've learned about God with others. They need to know about the mind-blowing teaching of God's Word, and how they can live it out in their lives. It's not easy, because we have so many different forms of indoctrination and teaching in this world today, that are vying for our children's attention, that if we don't carefully examine each and everything that they are being exposed to, the world will have a stranglehold on our children, and that won't be a good thing.

But how do we make sure that they're learning what is truly from God, versus what man says is from God? I think it starts by being willing to partner with our children, to have them by our side, showing them what it truly means to follow God. That we are living and serving God with every bit of our being, in front of our children, so that they see what a true Christian is. It's why I am so burdened of the Lord right now, to share what I'm about to share with you through this vlog tonight, and I pray that what I share with you, will challenge, convict, and encourage you to want to be that godly example to not only your children, but to the young people in this world around you. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn how to pass on and live out the mind-blowing teaching of God's Word! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with these questions from this morning’s devotional, and I pray that they will inspire you to want to be a godly example to this generation.

Why is it vital for you to share what you've learned about God with the next generation?

What will you pass on today?

I pray tonight, that you will come before the Lord, and ask him to show you ways in which you can share the truths, principles and precepts of God's word with this next generation, so that they know the real truth that comes only from God. That you are part of the men and women that God will raise up to teach this next generation what it means to trust, revere, honor, and be humbly molded by our awesome amazing God, so that they can pass on these truths to others too. We are right now in a very big crossroads guys, so i'm praying that you will choose to be the one to impart God's wisdom to this generation today.



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