And unbelievable true story of systemic poisoning, amazing she is alive.

4 months ago

Mikhaila Peterson Fuller: "When I was two, I started to limp, and at seven I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in 37 joints. At age eight, I was put on injectable immunosuppressants. At 12, I was diagnosed with severe depression and put on antidepressants.

At 14, I was diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia, which is a fancy definition for chronic fatigue, and I could barely get out of bed for years. My hip and ankle were replaced when I was 17 from the arthritis that wasn't managed by the medications I was on. And I spent a year on Oxycontin, limping around what felt like broken bones, trying to stay hopeful and not kill myself. I went to University for Biomedical Science when it became apparent that nobody in the medical system could help me, and the life-saving treatments I was on weren't saving my life. When I was 23, I completely changed my diet, which was radical, and I didn't think it was gonna work. I removed processed foods and only ate whole foods, primarily meat, and my life changed rapidly.

felt like I had stepped out of hell. I didn't know that I was trapped in, into heaven. It turned my world upside down. Then I had to get off of the medications I was on. Antidepressant withdrawal, that neither me nor my doctors knew existed, was worse than the opiate withdrawal I had been through after I was treated with OxyContin.

After I stopped taking the eight medications I was on and had a baby, my autoimmune symptoms and depression started sneaking back in and willing to do anything to not be sick.

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