a food merchant rides a black horse symbolizing famine

4 months ago

The same cUlt of Freemasons and hivemind Luciferians that implemented Operation Covid-19 sickness scamdemic also run the food stores and food transport throughout Western Civilization...
Do you know what that mean?
They can shut them all down... and the Westerners have become lazy about growing personal gardens and canning preserves and keeping root cellars full for difficult times.
It is just like Canada selling off 1000 tons of gold reserves to now be goldless for economic hard times. (Freemasons running Canada know they are following their NWO-Agenda collapsing the country's economy, you see?)

Westerners have been lulled into a famine trap by the Luciferians in control of everything. https://old.bitchute.com/video/W4p4Z0Wju7Es/

How do you think the Luciferians at government Deagle projections plan to make their projections come true?
You know the vaccines are actually poisonings by now... don't you?
Those are the Luciferians in control who conducted their A.i.-run attack upon sheeple health. Starvation is likely their next move to advance the NWO digital future. https://old.bitchute.com/video/54MBnHQj723V/

Did you fill your pantry? What... all you have are your kitchen cupboards and frig and a supermarket? You have a few weeks before the Elections Chaos, I guess.

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