BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/25/2024 Liberty Essentials, Tom DeWeese, James White, Casey Whalen

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9am Liberty Essentials - Bill Mohr, Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT Guy will be teaching the perspective on religion in government. This is a continuance of study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be learning together the relevance of current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance.
10am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world

10am Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.

A native of Ohio, he’s been a candidate for the Ohio Legislature, served as editor of two newspapers, and has owned several businesses since the age of 23. In 1989 Tom led the only privately-funded election-observation team to the Panamanian elections in which voter fraud on a massive scale determined the outcome in favor of dictator Manuel Noriega. In 2006 Tom was invited to Cambridge University to debate the issue of the United Nations before the Cambridge Union, a 200 year old debating society.

11am James White President of Valley Broadcast Network (VBN) which is Flathead Valley’s newest Over-The-Air (OTA) TV outlet. It’s been designed from the ground up to help promote Montanans and to provide a place for those in Flathead Valley to promote their work and ideas. It has extensive coverage in both Flathead and Lake Counties and VBN’s signal reaches approximately 153,000 households. OTA TV is one of the fastest growing media technologies, especially in the coveted 18-35 age group .

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Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Karen the Riveter, Ralph the IT Guy, Tom DeWeese, James White, Casey Whalen

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