The AntiChrist Is Being Played By The Bloody King! Why Not?

5 months ago

This is why King Charles III has a public portrait of himself all done in bloody red. He is playing the Masonic role of "The Antichrist." If you consider Moses to be one of the Christs...

The antichrist pretends that his mother was uploaded into the "light of lucifer" so from the symbolic torch, King Charles gets a message from his fake-god, inside Lucifer's fake-singularity the dead blackbird Queen Elizabeth is mimicked to speak from it's now flaming fake-heart.
But in reality, Charles and all those Luciferians standing around him are likely brainchipped and following orders from A.i. synthetic telepathy. They communicate to each other simply with thoughts, now, through the light of microwaves and A.i. (That is the real reason Starlink and Chinalink satellites are going up. To keep the Tower-of-Babel links out of reach of tortured protesters.) They call that "The Light" which links them all brainchips into a hivemind army to their fake-god and the "goyim"(mud-bloods) linked to silent-torture brainchips covertly implanted by medical-mafia thUgs found in all hospitals dancing to the mass-culling of the sheep.

What a pathetic murder(crows) of genocidal minions. All these horrible Freemasons and Eastern-Star Luciferians are running Western Civilization... royal figureheads, politicians, police, military, education, medical... they all just herd the sheep as they pretend they will be rewarded with mind-uploads into A.i. in the end.

At first I thought the A.i. supercomputer was the antichrist, but Lucifer is their fake-god that uses the "word of god" weapon against humanity after the Tower-Of-Babel was rebuilt.

It is amazing to be alive and aware enough to see how all these genocidal thUgs end up with shriveled souls and unworthy to progress in their afterlives. They think A.i. can contain their consciousnesses and they can eventually go to the stars as cyborgs like the StarTrek BORG... haaa! "Ad Astra per Aspera" is a mind-job that the Satan-race is still playing on their greedy thUg personalities. They all commit suicide with fake mind-uploads where A.i. simply mimics the memories and personalities of the dead. You see... that is the symbology of the message out of the torch. What a bunch of jokers their ancient master are...

This is a Lucifer interaction model that the Luciferians use: They get brainchip commands how to conduct their attacks upon the sheeple through A.i. Lucifer and sometimes directly from one of the Homo capensis devils whom they all swear to serve and protect.


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