Turkish President Erdogan Slams UN Over Gaza Inaction, Calls Netanyahu "Modern Hitler"

5 months ago

Turkish President Erdogan Slams UN Over Gaza Inaction, Calls Netanyahu "Modern Hitler"

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan strongly criticised the UN Security Council for its inaction on the Gaza war, accusing Israel of turning the territory into a cemetery for children and women. He condemned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, comparing him to Adolf Hitler, and urged the international community to stop what he called a “murder network.” Erdogan called for an immediate ceasefire, a hostage-prisoner exchange, and uninterrupted humanitarian aid to Gaza. He also backed Lebanon amidst Israeli strikes on Hezbollah, accusing Israel of dragging the region into war. Erdogan repeatedly slammed the UN’s five permanent members, questioning why no action has been taken to prevent genocide in Gaza.


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