Kamala's Campaign CRUMBLES? Couple Of Cookie Polls Have Trump Up BIGLY

3 months ago

Posted • September 24, 2024: We love how businesses lean into the presidential election sometimes. Bakeries aren't excluded, and they make cookies representing the presidential candidates. These cookie polls aren't scientific, but they do show an interesting trend: most of the time, the cookie that sells the most predicts the winner of the upcoming presidential election. There are a couple of polls showing Donald Trump up over Kamala Harris. First up, Busken Bakery in Cincinnati, Ohio: Trump leads Cincinnati ‘cookie’ poll that has predicted every election but one since 1984. onald Trump’s campaign is getting some dough-lightful news out of Ohio. A beloved Cincinnati bakery, whose “cookie poll” has accurately predicted every election outcome but one since 1984, has the former president and Republican nominee leading Democrat Kamala Harris in its unscientific survey.

Trump notched about 54% support (2,953 cookies) to Harris’ 39% (2,134 cookies), with an “independent” smiley-face cookie scoring 7% (397 cookies), per the latest tally shared with The Post by Busken Bakery. That's a healthy lead. They did get one year wrong: 2020. Which lead to some speculation as to why: Cookie poll was correct every election year since 1984, except 2020, because THEY CHEATED AND STOLE IT FROM TRUMP AND THE PEOPLE. Cookies never lie! They never lie. In this climate? Likely some Lefties are out there and really, really mad. -- The other bakery is Lochel’s Bakery in Hatboro, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania bakery’s ‘cookie poll’ between Trump and Harris has clear winner: ‘People are upset’ https://nypost.com/2024/09/14/us-news/trump-harris-cookie-poll-at-pa-bakery-has-clear-winner/ -- We certainly hope people are fed up with this. Kamala has been part of this administration and the struggles Americans face are on her. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Kamala's Campaign CRUMBLES? Couple of Cookie Polls Have Trump Up BIGLY
New York Post: Trump leads Cincinnati ‘cookie poll’ that has predicted every election but one since 1984

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