UFOs and Aliens: Science, Spirit, or Fakery?

5 months ago

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Richard welcomes Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis back to the podcast to discuss his own open eyed and detailed analysis of the science and theology brought to our doorsteps by the real possibility that unidentified flying objects are manned by extraterrestrial beings that are likely much smarter and far more spiritual than earthlings. Are they a threat to our national security and to our faith in God? Do they come peacefully or as conquers?

GUEST: Lt. Col Bob Maginnis (U.S. Army Retired) graduated from the U.S. Military Academy, the Naval Postgraduate School, the Command & General Staff College, the Defense Language School and the Army War College’s strategy course. He is an Airborne-Ranger infantry officer with service in four infantry divisions on three continents.

Colonel Maginnis has decades of media experience as a columnist, a Fox News military analyst and as an on-air commentator for multiple radio programs and networks.

He is the author of nearly a thousand articles and about ten published books, including , Kings of the East, Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism, The Deeper State, Alliance of Evil and his latest, Out of this World: Are UFO’s Aliens, Spirits, or pure Hokum?




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