Jimmy Dore about Obama deception

5 months ago

"When Barrack Obama got elected we thought it was going to be this big liberal progressive lefty because he was a black guy he spoke beautifully ... of course what he did was he wasn't an end to George Bush's policies it was a continuation he took us from two wars to seven and he he bailed out the banks while he kicked out 5.1 million families out of their houses, families not people. 5.1 million families out of their houses while he made sure the bankers got their bonuses He implemented a right-wing health care plan that wasn't a left-wing health care plan That was from the Heritage Foundation the same people who did agenda 2025. They wrote his health care plan that we're living with today, which was a giveaway to big pharma and big insurance. And you know how I know? Because the day after that health care plan Obamacare was passed this the stocks of health insurance companies and big pharma went through the roof and that's how you know it was a giveaway to that. And Barrack Obama repealed habeas corpus... So which was in the magna carta. Habeas corpus means you get to have a speedy trial and they have to tell you what you're charged with so why would he repeal that. Because that's another way to control people that just censorship but if they can say you're a terrorist which is what they're saying now so if you say they can now throw you in jail indefinite detention without giving you a trial. That's why he repealed the habeas corpus. He did that in 2011 and so the NDAA act section 1021 and the reason why they did that so they can control people they can have you having a voice. And now if you're if he accused you of spreading misinformation on the internet you're now considered a cyber terrorist and all they have to do is say you're a terrorist and they can take all your rights away. So now we're operating on a liberty from somewhere around the 1100s. They repealed the Magna Carta..."

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