Going Clear Movie, Part 2 - Lawrence Wright Cult Propaganda (Inventions

4 months ago

At 6:15 in the film, Wright says, “I’ve studied Jonestown, radical Islam,” to give his qualifications I guess, and to give his comparatives. I spoke to this guy for hours and days about religion and comparatives and connection, and I talked to him about things he’d written about Methodists, Satanists, atheists, Catholics, everything but Jonestown and radical Islam. But, all of a sudden, Larry Wright is an expert on Islam and Jonestown, because they’re going to implant this idea real early to give you the, we think it – “we’re going to position Scientology right from the beginning with my new invention.”

Wright says right after that, “my goal was not simply to write an expose, it was to understand Scientology.” Now I’ve done a whole analysis on the book, and just from my personal experience with him alone, and that just is the most false statement you could possibly make. There’s – I mean, I’ve gone through it chapter and verse, and literally chapter, it’s just a complete and utter lie. His goal clearly was to write an exposé from the beginning, and anything, anything that had anything to do with bringing an understanding about Scientology, he got it. He got it in spades from me, over days, over weeks, over months, and none of it made it into his book. So, this is just a complete and utter lie. So, he creates this sort of aura of objectivity, which is false.

So, we get to, and again, Gibney does a good job, like Wright did, of shifting the timeline back and forth.

So, he’s sort of kind of telling a narrative, but he’s just really liberal in moving things around and not dating them, so you end up – like I said before – you end up that it’s all in present time, right.

So, at seven minutes into it, they skip back to Haggis and he’s being asked what was he trying to resolve when he got into Scientology, and he says, “I’m in love.” You go back to the book, and he’s asked the same question and he says he had bad grades and he was going nowhere. It’s just like a new script. And then he follows up and says that he told his wife that it could save their relationship. Nowhere does he talk about their relationship being a problem. Not in the book. Not in the film. Nowhere else. It’s just all of a sudden, a new invented scenario.

So, at 7:45 in the movie, Paul Haggis says he was troubled that it was a religion. Of course, since he’s such a deeply intellectual person that was troubling. Except in the book, his first encounter on the street was not this thing about a cult in New York, it was a guy handing him a copy of Dianetics, which he flipped open, and it said “Church of Scientology of London, Ontario.” And Haggis’ response to “Church of Scientology London, Ontario” was, “Take me there.” Quote unquote. But now we’re doing the movie, and we’re going to really influence the Hollywood people and marginalize Scientology, we just re-write the script, and all of a sudden, Paul, the intellectual, was “troubled that it was a religion.”

All right, at 9:10, Spanky Taylor comes in. And I don’t know Spanky Taylor from Adam. But I do know that this whole way they’ve edited this film, she says that she all of a sudden out of nowhere she’s all of a sudden signed a billion year contract. Right? There’s no possible way, and I was in the Sea Org for 27 years and there’s no possible way. And I’ve had interactions with Scientologists as a Sea Org member for 27 years – and another 10 years afterwards – a lot of experience in interaction with Sea Org members, right? And there’s not a single one of that who does not have a sort of life-changing, life altering, miraculous experience through Scientology before signing a billion year contract. You don’t just get up – and she’s dramatizing this. She goes, “they couldn’t hold me back.” Like what was it that you experienced that put you in the state where you couldn’t be held – but we’re not going to put that in here. So, it’s just really sleazy editing.

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