Star Trek Online: Vorgon Conclusions

5 months ago

The Temporal timeline is all messed up and Daniels has asked us to go rummage about in its cupboards to see if we can tidy it up again. An artifact invented by Kal Dano has the Vorgons interested, we race to rescue him and fight off a Vorgon attack force while Daniels gets him off planet safely. Then we head back to Earth in the 24th century where we encounter Breen: we successfully fight them off before beaming to the Starfleet HQ and fight a door puzzle, the door looks like it's winning until a fluke move defeats it. We fight off the ground forces and see a shocking bit of information... who exactly is the mysterious Envoy and why is Daniels decaying so quickly? Next up it's time for the final battle with the Vaadwaur, time to round up the forces and fight to the death - not ours hopefully. Gaul tries his hardest but we prevail and rescue a mysterious artifact. We investigate the artifact and that leads us to a strange laboratory where we discover the mind parasites that infected the Vaadwaur were manufactured by the Solanae who are working for the Iconians! We also meet up with an unexpected person - Empress Sela sure does turn up where you least expect her. She tells us some interesting tales about how everything we're seeing is being managed by the Iconians - and yes, she might have worked with them too but she's really really sorry! Commander Jarok is keen for Sela to spend some time in prison..

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