Did the Dwarf Planet Ceres Originate in the Asteroid Belt?

5 months ago

SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 114
*Did the Dwarf Planet Ceres Originate in the Asteroid Belt?
A new study challenges earlier observations about the origins of Ceres, the largest body in the main asteroid belt. The findings suggest that Ceres may have formed where it currently orbits rather than in the outer solar system.
*Galactic Mystery About Dark Matter and Stars Finally Resolved
Astronomers have overturned a longstanding idea that stars and dark matter interact in inexplicable ways. New models suggest that the similarity in density structures across different galaxies might be due to previous oversimplified modelling rather than an actual interaction between stars and dark matter.
*China's Secretive Space Plane Returns to Earth
China's experimental reusable spacecraft has completed a 268-day orbital mission. While Beijing claims the mission was for peaceful Space operations, the spacecraft appeared to be inspecting other satellites, raising questions about its true purpose.


This week’s guests include: Caro Derkenne an ASTRO 3D researcher from Macquarie University   And our regular guests: Alex Zaharov-Reutt from www.techadvice.life Tim Mendham from Australian Skeptics

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