What Your Issue? - Podcast - Episode 13 (Weekly Comic Book Podcast)

5 months ago

Hey everyone!! Welcome to a new episode of What's Your Issue?, our comic book weekly podcast!!! We will be having our podcast show regularly on Monday nights live on Youtube now that the holidays are over. So, there will be no more delays. I hope you guys will enjoy the show and make sure you will tune in for our honorable mentions and the pull list since we give details on those as well!!

Review Segment

1. Mr and Mrs X #7
2. Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #6
3. Titans #32
4. Superior Spider-Man #1
5. The Silencer #12
6. The Walking Dead #187 (Image)

Best Things We Read This Week

Steven - Detective Comics #995

Agasicles - Immortal Hulk #11

I almost want to make two correction notes

1. Injustice Vs. Masters of Universe Spoilers* - I accidentally said Darkseid and Skeletor killed each other when it was actually Superman that gave them the final blow. I just didn't remember at the time and I'm sorry about that.

2. I also want to mention that Young Justice will be in DC's main continuity. We discussed that in the podcast and gave the wrong info about that. Here's the proof link below:


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