Current Apostasy Destroying Adventism

4 months ago

The current state of spiritual affairs in the Seventh Day Adventist organization is saddening and concerning especially to sincere Adventists throughout the world who understand the Bible-roots of our Faith. Men in leadership positions like Ganoune Diop and Patrick Vincent are boldly declaring that they do not preach the Three Angels' Messages, while religious liberty upholders line Dr. Conrad Vine are being banned and censored by the leadership. These men( Diop and Vincent) have departed from the Faith and are a snare to the professed people of God. The Three Angels Messages in Revelation 14: 6-12 have been given to His Remnant Church, by God, to preach to the entire world. Yet, these men are rebellious in their treatment of God's Messages although they take His name in their mouths. They need genuine repentance out of that apostate condition and corrupt organization. Listen more in this Bible study and understand who is a real Adventist. God bless you in sinfreeness for end time preparation.

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