God’s Love for Us | What Mistake Makes all Truth Meaningless? What Illusions Deceive Us All?

5 months ago

In a world shrouded by shadows of doubt and fear, we often forget the most profound truth of all: God’s Love for Us. This love is the eternal light that shines through every illusion, dispelling the darkness that tries to engulf our hearts and minds.
Darkness cannot dispel darkness; only light dispels darkness. Similarly, ignorance cannot teach the truth, and illusions cannot argue for what is right. Yet, the world we live in tries to do just that—justify its false beliefs as truth, hoping to convince us that our usefulness and self-worth is defined by the physical, by the limitations of the flesh. But justifying false beliefs does not make them true.

Ever since the separation, the world which believes and teaches the ego’s lies constantly tells us that we are bodies, that we are flesh and bone, born into a life of sin and guilt. But this belief is the very illusion that keeps us trapped in a cycle of fear and separation from God. A Course in Miracles says, “What you think you are is a belief to be undone…”

The ego - and its partners in deception - the authority figures in our world, teach that you are a body, born into sin, defined by your physicality, and destined to a life of struggle, lack, limitation, scarcity and fear. It constantly whispers that you are flesh and bone, separate from the divine, living in a world where attack and sin are seen as inevitable realities. And belief determines decision; who you believe you are determines the foundation of everything that you experience.

The ego and its partners in deception have set things up so that whenever the topic of God or Jesus Christ comes up, those engaged in speaking on the subject are thought of as being religious freaks, extremists, naïve, and as having an agenda of their own. The ego did this deliberately to discourage discussions of God or of Jesus Christ, to push us further and further away from God with each passing week. They made it very uncomfortable to think about and especially to speak about God. They did everything they could to push God out of our lives and to have us only value the material world.

One day you will learn the truth, that you are spirit, an eternal being created in the image of God, cherished not for your flaws, but for your infinite potential and innocence. The greatest mistake we can make is to forget this truth—to believe that God cherishes fear instead of love; that He teaches sin and punishment instead of forgiveness. But God’s love for us is not conditional, it does not waver based on the illusions we hold about ourselves. This video invites you to question the illusions that deceive us all.
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