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His Glory TV - Sheriff Richard Mack joins His Glory - Captions
Sheriff Richard Mack, president and founder of the Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association, ( CSPOA ), discusses the importance of sheriffs understanding and upholding the Constitution. He emphasizes the role of sheriffs in protecting the people's rights and liberties from federal government overreach. He encourages people to get involved, educate themselves, and build a relationship with their sheriff to ensure the preservation of freedom and the Constitution in America. He also highlights the training courses offered by the CSPOA to educate public officials and the public on constitutional principles and the role of the sheriff in protecting liberty.
In the interview, Sheriff Richard Mack emphasized the importance of having constitutional sheriffs who are dedicated to upholding the US Constitution and protecting the rights of the people. He urged people to become members of the Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) to support the cause of liberty and ensure that sheriffs are well-trained and informed about their responsibilities. Sheriff Mack also discussed the efforts of Sheriff Dar Leaf in Michigan to investigate the 2020 election and the need for people to unite and take action to secure free and fair elections. He also highlighted the role of sheriffs in addressing the border crisis and the need for support from the community in tackling this issue.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 07-06-2024, and may be watched here: 👉
Sheriff Richard Mack joins His Glory: The Best of His Glory
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Welcome to today's take five. Today is April the twentyfirst. Happy hump day. We have a special guest that I was talking to before he came on. He got me all fired up because this is the year of for most of Americans to know their constitution and for others to be reeducated in the constitution. They didn't want us to know our constitution. We have the pleasure today to bring on Sheriff Mack and I'm going to let Sheriff Mack let it rip. I love Sheriff Mack. I love the Eagles. I love the flag. Uh I love your passion behind the constitution and thank you for all you do. Even even my salt shakers are Eagles. I love it. We have an eagle that flies above our stud io. No kidding. Yes. Yup. Yup. Okay. So, the Eagle, the Eagles Keeping Over his Cove nant Nation which is the United States of America. Amen. Amen. So, without further ado, you come highly recommended by as I said before we came on by many different sources. Uh why don't you it up. Maybe start like you said with what happened with the Clintons and how important the constitution is and the authority of a sheriff and the Tenth Amendment. Okay. Well, I I was a small town sheriff from Safford, Arizona which is Graham County like Graham Cracker. Mm hmm. I am now the founder and president of the CSPOA and of course all your listeners can go to CSPOA. org. Okay. Become a member, be a part of this movement to restore our constitution in a peaceful and effective manner. Uh I totally believe in that. I've dedicated my life to it for the last 40 years or so and it it brought me to the point where I became the first sheriff in American history to launch a major lawsuit against the federal government and in this particular case, the Clinton administration. Uh you might say that I sued the Clintons and lived to tell about it. Literally. Yeah literally yeah and so I filed that lawsuit against the Clintons and it was be it was I filed on the 10th Amendment. I'm glad you said that. But I I saved the Second Amendment with the tenth. Mm hmm. And I couldn't sue on the on the second because we had no standing. And I'll explain that as we go on. But okay. Uh I only wanted to be sheriff. That's all I ever wanted to be. I didn't want to be an activist. I didn't want to sue the federal government. I never thought such a thing would ever happen that I would sue the federal government. But this was also the first time in US history where a law, a bill was passed, that commandeered the Office of Sheriff for federal bidding. Yeah. Not only that, it had a threat of arrest if we failed to comply and and I can prove that to anybody. You can look up the case. Uh look up Mack V U S. You'll see another sheriff's name come up when you do that. It's Prince P R I A NTZ. Sheriff Prince from Mavalley County, Montana joined me in the lawsuit about a month after I filed and he and I appeared at the Supreme Court together in December of nineteen ninety-six. Wow. He is a good man. I I really love Jay Prince. Uh he's no longer sheriff. He hasn't been sheriff for quite a while either. I haven't either for over 22 years or so. Uh but what we did was a landmark case. Uh a a Court decision that we won five four and that Justice Antonin Scalia wrote. I highly recommend it for everyone. As a matter of fact, if you go to our website, you can get a little pocket size, highlighted review of the case. I can save you a lot of time if you just go to that and and buy a few of those. They're very inexpensive. You got like three for five bucks. Uh we have people that buy cases of those so they can hand them to everybody so they can prove what we're talking about today is a Actually true. Right. The federal government is not our boss. They have very little sovereign responsibilities but where they do have those they are sovereign but they squander that sovereignty every day. They they're supposed to protect our borders and they can't even do that. They're supposed to balance a budget. Uh obviously they have no desire to do that. They are causing our country to go bankrupt in two different ways. Spiritually financially and constitutionally. I guess it's three ways. Yeah. But anyway, when I was a rookie cop, I really became disenchanted with law enforcement, with government because one day I decided that I wasn't going to be a revenue agent anymore that I was going to be a true constitutional servant of the people and I'm still just a patrol officer when I made that decision and I said there's no way I can keep my oath that I took to the constitution in God's name no less that there's no way I can keep that oath and I'm a liar and a hypocrite if if I don't keep my oath. Yeah. So I started studying the constitution. As a matter of fact I put the World Book encyclopedia in my patrol car. Wow. And I studied the US Constitution out of that book for long. I didn't have a pocket size constitution. I didn't know anybody that had one. I didn't even know they existed at the time. And so And this was like nineteen eighty-three. And so I completely was converted to the constitution. To the God who inspired it. And to the founding fathers who promulgated it. To the Bill of Rights especially. This was simple, powerful, god-given rights that every facet of government, all three branches of government have the same responsibility to uphold and defend. You know the Supreme Court takes the same oath that I do as sheriff that we do basically as the president, as our military do. Right. We all have the same responsibility to uphold, defend, protect, and the United States Constitution. Why are we not doing it? Mm hmm. And my my advocate and my advocacy is this, Mister Biden, if we are ever to have what you have been touting ever since you got elected. Or whatever you call your election. You've been asking for our country to unify. You're asking for unity in America. And I've even heard the word civility a time or two. Yeah. It doesn't appear that the left or the Democrats want anything to do with civility. Just ask Max Dean Waters. Yes. Uh she may it very clear that violence is just fine and so is Kamala Harris. Uh I'm going to tell everybody right now. The CSPOA and I absolutely assail all violence that occurs in our country has occurred in our country and is happening now. If you're if you say you're a protester then the only way you can stay a protester is if you're doing it peacefully. We believe in disobedience. And as as a matter of fact we believe so much in civil disobedience that your sheriff should be standing there next to you while you're doing it. Yeah. And defending your right to not comply. Your sheriff should be making sure that noone is taking your gun from you. Right. Your sheriff should be making sure that noone is forcing you to have a vaccination passport. Or that in any way you're being coerced or forced to take this government's vaccination that has not been tested and that is literally being tested on us the American Sheeple right who are going along with this nonsense and it and they and people are even saying well it's been approved by the FDA not really the FDA gave it an emergency exception but they didn't test it and neither did anyone else efficiently and Fauci himself he was asked when this supposed pandemic all started he's they were he was asked at a briefing in the White House. How long would it take for us to get a vaccination? He said at least two years and up to 10 years. Yeah. Well we're not even close to that. No. And it has not been tested and noone has done independent research to see if it has. And so I'm really against all of this being shoved down our throats by law enforcement and and I'm really bewildered how any sheriff or anybody who ever took an oath of office to the constitution can say yes if you don't wear a mask you're going to go to jail. The one that probably has got to me the most is that Reverend Rodney Howard Brown in Florida was arrested for having church just for having church yeah parishioners in Mississippi were arrested just for going to church and in the nation that was founded on religious liberty. Yeah. You know. Astonishing. So how many of us would have signed up for and I want to ask the Democrats this. Sharing air with others is caused for concern. We know it, we don't like it. Now with ActiPure technology, the shared air can be purified in real time. Just like it happens in nature. ActiPure is a patented advanced photo catalysis technology. 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That's as low as twenty-four and for the first time this year, I'm bringing you our My Slippers and Sandals for as low as $25 a pair. So go to My Pillow. com or call the number on your screen, use your promo code to get your My Pillow two point ohs buy one get one free per kale sheets as low as twenty-four ninety-eight. My slippers and sandals as low as $25 a pair and for a limited time when you are $75 or more, your entire order ships at absolutely free. You guys say you believe in the civil rights movement. You guys say you believe in Martin Luther King. You guys say you believe in Rosa Parks and I'm going to tell you right now. I believe in all of that. I use Martin Luther King's some of his quotes in my presentation all across the country. He said, what I use is he said that we should, we all have a responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, he said, we all have a moral responsibility to disobey unjust law Well, that goes back to my point about sheriffs. If we have a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws, we certainly have no responsibility to enforce them. In fact, just the opposite. How would we ever enforce morally or lawfully laws that are tyrannical and and contrary to our constitution. I've even heard law enforcement officers and peace officers and sheriffs actually say they have a moral high ground to enforce a laws. They don't like them but they just have to enforce them. Let me tell you right now, that is an absolute lie. Yeah. That is a propaganda scheme to get everybody to do what Hitler's Nazis did and then paid the price for it at the Nuremberg trial. Just following orders from the judge or from a legislature is immoral, wrong, unconstitutional, and unlawful and and we should all be no well they and then you have to ask of course they'll go well Sheriff Mack who determines what is just and unjust before you enforce it you better do it yeah it's up to you you took the oath right you cannot abdicate that oath the fulfillment of your oath to anyone else not to your sheriff your sergeant your mama or the president of the United States yeah you must that choice for yourself and which means that you have studied, know, and understand the constitution that you swore a sacred oath to a poll and defend. So, now let me get back to why I sued the Clintons. Okay. So, we ran a Sheriff's Association meeting in Phoenix, January 21st, 1994 and they came in and three agents of the VATF came into our meeting and said, Sheriff's, this doc it was 25 pages details your marching orders from Congress and the White House as to what you must do to enforce the Brady Bill and they said this is only temporary until the FBI gets its own national insta check but we would imagine that you're going to be doing this the next two34 years and we started looking at this monstrosity and every sheriff was cussing like you never heard and it wasn't coming from me I was still kind of questioning it all but I was youngest sheriff in this in the state. I'd only been in one term at this point. And I was still filling my oaths. I wasn't being pushing my weight around or anything. But I did ask the BHF agents. I said you know we don't work for you. And they said well yeah you kind of do now because Congress passed a law. And I said I don't care if Congress passed 500 laws. It doesn't mean I work for you all of a sudden. You can't hire me. You can't fire me. Only the people elect me and I serve them and they're my boss. Yeah. So you're not my boss. Even if you try to become one. They said well it's not us. It's it's Congress and the president. So I said well you know it'd be really good if all of us just told you noone would send a letter back but no no other sheriff wanted to do anything about it. And so literally I was the only one in the entire country doing this until Sheriff Prince joined the lawsuit like I said about a month later and then five other sheriffs from across the country joined the lawsuit. Only one from tech Texas. There's 254 sheriffs in Texas. Wow. Only one from Texas, Valverde County, Sheriff JR Coo. God rest his soul. I I think he's the only one of the seven that has passed on but this was such a miracle. First of all, it was a miracle that I got elected sheriff. I hadn't lived there for 12 years. I never worked in law enforcement in the state of Arizona or my hometown. I did get a good education where I was a cop in Provo, Utah and I I love the department there but Harley did they really do anything constitutional they were moral and good people thank goodness but it was all about roadblocks and numbers and write as many tickets as you can and make as many arrests as you can and I wanted to know when we were really going to focus on keeping the peace and upholding defending the constitution and I even later discovered that you know what the main responsibility of every patrol officer in this country is patrol off sir. The officers and patrol officers that are riding along our freeways, patrolling our streets, shooting a radar gun all day. Do they know what their responsibility is in regards to our role in our constitutional republic? Has anyone ever taught them the importance of their oath of office or what our job really is in preserving American liberty? That's it. Our primary Responsibility is to preserve liberty. And that's what I was doing when I sued the federal government. And that was a real miracle. Do you do any of you think that I was thrilled that I was going to sue the Clintons? No way. I was scared to death of them. In fact I still find them horrifying in so many different ways. Uh the the corruption in Washington DC scares me to death. Uh but I'm not going to buckle under it either. And the real pandemic we have in America is utter and complete corruption with the epicenter being in Washington DC. And and these self-appointed dictators that are trying to shove all this down our throat is just just mind boggling and astonishing that we've ever accepted any of this. That's right. Uh well it's time to turn the tables. So anyway this this court case Prince and I lost everybody won at the district court level at the first level except Coug in Texas. How you lose a state sovereignty case, state's rights case, and a Second Amendment case in Texas. I'll never know. Yeah. Might have been that judge that moved in from Chicago. Right. I'm not I don't know but anyway then Sheriff Coug and Sheriff Romero won at the Circuit Court. We lost at the ninth circuit. If anybody knows anything about the ninth circuit, they'll never do anything constitutional there. No. So, the fifth circuit sided with Coug and Romero and now we have conflicting court cases at the appellate level and my attorneys told me that that would guarantee us a trip to the Supreme Court and indeed it did. Then, on June 27 1997, United States Supreme Court ruled in the Mac Prince case that we won and that Congress had exceeded their authority and let me give you a couple of quotes from this great decision yeah first we have held however this is the Supreme Court talking not me we have held however that state legislatures are not subject to federal direction end quote if we're not subject to federal direction then why do we keep begging them for money and why do we keep thinking and acting like they are our boss. That statement right there in the Supreme Court decision makes it look like they're not our boss at all because we're not even subject to their direction. Right. You know and then Scalia does something really amazing. He just gives us a history lesson here in this decision. He doesn't try to make law. He doesn't make new things up. He doesn't try to twist the constitution to fit some political agenda. All he does is gives us a history lesson in American jurisprudence in our constitution in the Bill of Rights and you know what else he quotes the federalist papers and let me give you one quote from the federalist papers. Quote hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other. Doesn't that make it pretty clear? Yeah. That State and local governments especially your sheriff who is the chief law enforcement officer of his county has a duty to make sure that we are protected from rogue out of control overreaching bureaucracies that never police themselves and so the IRS has committed so many crimes in our country's last 50, 60 years they've been used to go after presidential enemies and they're Hitman. They're Hitman. The FBI has been used for that. And the FBI has has been an agency of thuggery and dishonesty for the last fifty, 60, 70 years. Uh the Martin Luther Martin Luther King family said that the FBI killed their father. Uh and and yet you know nobody brands them conspiracy theorists. Um the point that I'm really trying to make here is all of us in law enforcement have a duty a sacred responsibility to protect the people we work for from all enemies both foreign and domestic if the FBI comes in to confiscate property from a citizen. The sheriff should be checking every bit of that. Making sure that there's probable cause. Making sure that there's duly signed warrants. Not stamp. Duly signed warrants by a a competent judge. And and that's a major responsibility. You know I gotta tell you there there was a time when I was sheriff that I had a battle with the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers. They said that they were going to arrest some people in my county they didn't do what they were told. I told the Army Corps of Engineers and the EPA that if they tried to arrest anybody in my county, I would arrest them. Wow. So, they left, they didn't arrest anybody. We didn't pay any fines and we fixed the bridge as they told us that we could not fix. Another story though to me is really amazing and that's Sheriff Brad Rogers. He was the sheriff of Elkhart County, Indiana. He is no longer because they have two-term limits there. He is now the county commissioner for Elkhart County and I'm so glad he went on and he's still with us in public office. He is a very religious, honorable man. You know, there was an Amish farmer. Now, I don't think you're Amish and I know I'm not Amish but do you and I have a responsibility to protect innocent people in our community. Absolutely. We all do. And the sheriff does. And so this Amish farmer kept getting spot inspected by the FDA. And his name was David Hostedler. Uh he got so tired of this. I mean you know the Amish. They're very passive. Yep. If somebody asked to come on his property he said yeah go ahead. He passed all the inspections. And yet they kept harassing him and doing them over and over. So finally he call me and I told him to call his sheriff and Sheriff Brad Rogers said I'm going to do something about this. Uh are you willing to take the heat along with me? And Hoff Santler said sure. And so Brad Rogers told Emailed the FDA the agents and the US Marshals and the Justice Department and he told them if your agents come back in my county without due process, without probable cause, without duly signed warrants, I will arrest you for trespassing. Wow. True story. You can look up Sheriff Brad Rogers. It was about 10 years ago. Mm hmm. And so then, Uh I remember the attorney's name for the federal government. His name was Goldstein and he wrote a letter and he lied in this letter. He literally said federal government has supremacy and then he left out the part in the supremacy clause that says the federal government has to make laws pursuant to the constitution. Right. Pursuant in pursuance thereof. He left that part out. He put.So. Sheriff Rogers and I responded to him and I specifically in there that he very conspicuously left out the truth and and why put.uh. in any document that you're quoting from the constitution so anyway I guess maybe we embarrassed him because we knew more about the constitution that he did and they threatened they threatened to arrest Brad Rogers the sheriff and then after our response to his ridiculous threat they wrote a letter certified letter to the Amish Farmer in question and they dropped all charges. They dropped the grand jury and they went back to and they left Elkhart County and they have not been back since. You know, what if we had hundreds, maybe even thousands? There's 3080 sheriffs in America. Mm hmm. What if we had just 1000 sheriffs in America doing the same thing? You know, what happens? We take back America tomorrow. Amen. We restore liberty tomorrow. And for anybody in this country, citizens, Democrats, Republicans, or anyone who think that we don't have a responsibility to enforce the constitution. You're wrong. It's the Supreme Law of the Land. Read article six and you'll see it's the Supreme Law of the Land. In that same article, each of us government are required to swear an oath of allegiance to the US Constitution. Yeah. Not to the president, not to statutes, not to traffic laws, not to the drug war, but to the constitution itself. And on our police vehicles instead of having pride, integrity, guts, or serve and protect. It should say something like constitutional constitution guards, guard of the Republic. Right. Protector of liberty. That's what our motto should be. The motto at CSPOA reminds us one of our duty and our oath. Our motto is just four words. Serve, protect, uphold, defend. And so, as I said earlier, CSPOA is not the end to the means, okay? We are at an change agentry. We want a paradigm shift of the brainwashing that most peace officers chiefs and sheriffs in this country. They're all peace officers that we've been victimized with for the last fifty, 60, 70 years that we have a gun and we have a badge and we have the bulletproof vest and and and we and we're the boss and we're no we are not. We are the servant of the people to protect their rights. Not just their property not just their money and their bank accounts but to protect their rights and we actually had a deputy Stan Lennick in the Albany Airport that did just that the airport manager complained that people were passing out flyers without his permission and without a insurance policy you know and so Deputy Lenock was called to the scene and while the airport managers arguing with these pamphleteers Uh the deputy came forward and says we want you to know that this is your constitutional right. We want you to know that you're not breaking the law. And then he basically told the airport manager to go back to his office and leave these people alone. Wow. Folks, if do you understand what we're dealing with here? Yeah. Do you get the picture? Do you get the solution? If we had deputies trained to do that, trained in the constitution, do you know how many of these ridiculous and oppressive overreaching tactics and and police brutality things would go away tomorrow? If we truly understood our patriotic duty to our country and to our citizens to protect liberty. My dear friends, Liberty comes first for every branch of government and everything we're after here why did the founding fathers promulgate the Bill of Rights and if we're ever have unity and civility in our country we would have to come together left right middle in between Democrats Republicans Libertarians constitutionalists whatever we would Have to come together and say there is one document we must be unified to support and defend. Right. That would be the Bill of Rights. Constitution. It is. Yep. It it's it's the entire constitution but I'll boil it down to just the Bill of Rights. Right. Okay? There's about 28 rights detailed in this great document. You have to understand what the intent of the founding fall was when they promulgated this two years after they did the constitution. Some of the more radical constitutional guys on of the founding fathers John Adams not John Adams sorry John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, maybe a couple of others went to Madison and said we made a mistake on the constitution. Madison said oh no way. We prayed every day. We felt God's spirit in the room. The constitution is great, almost perfect and then and then they they said, James, does it have a declaration of rights? And Madison of course knew they were right. Yeah. And he called everybody back. Back to the drawing board. Back to Independence Hall so that they could devise a bill of rights. A declaration to all government that these are that there are certain rights contrary to what Biden just said there are certain rights that are indeed absolute and the first one mentioned in the First Amendment is at the top of that list. Religious liberty is absolute. And and people want to say well what if they what if they believe in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice? That is a crime. That is not a religious principle and yes we will go after them. Well what about freedom of speech? You you can't yell fire or or guns out here whatever in a movie theater or or at a school or something. Yeah you're now committing a crime. Right. Until then it is absolute. That doesn't give you power to hurt others. Right. None of those rights do. The Second Amendment does not give you any authority to hurt your neighbor. It gives you the authority, the individual gun owner to protect liberty. Right. To protect each other, to protect your home and your family. That's what it's about but you're not allowed to commit crimes with that and anybody saying that that destroys the absolute freedom associated with the Bill of Rights is ridiculous. That doesn't go anywhere. That that's my mom would get mad at me right now but I'm going to tell you right now. That's stupid. She never wanted me to say that. So but I'm I can't come up anything else but okay so the bill what was the intent of the founders they made a list and when they got this is really kind of interesting too when they when the founders all got together to devise the Bill of Rights do you know how many they came up with I think if we were together today you and me and some of the people on this program today and some of our supporters and some of our people who have joined our posse right at the CSPOA which we invite all of you to do how many we got together at a conference if we if we were now saying come up with all the laws all the principles that government cannot violate. Well the founding fathers came up with 189 and they were brainstorming and they just put them all in a pile you know and they came up with a hundred and eighty-nine. They dwindled them down and it's had a lot of duplicity. They dwindled them down to twelve. Mhm. And then the real power of this country the people and the states ratified ten. Yeah. Ten that consisted of about there's five fundamental rights just in the First Amendment. So you know there's more than just ten. There's about twenty-eight twenty-nine. Depending on how you'd look at some of them. Like the eighth amendment says no cruel and unusual punishment. Well is that one or is that two? So doesn't matter. It also says no excessive fines are bailed. Well there are fines in bail the same thing. Is that one or two? So there could be four in number eight. But anyways you count and go through them. There's about twenty-eight. But folks you need to remember and you're probably old enough to remember just like I am. My dad was an FBI agent. He'd love watching the untouchables. Yeah. Well that's what the Bill of Rights are. The Bill of Rights is a list of the untouchables. The principles of liberty and principles of God given freedoms that government can never touch. And now who are the stewards of that liberty and those rights detailed in the Bill of Rights. The ultimate power, the ultimate responsibility is the county sheriff. It's more important that the people understand what they do in local elections than it is anything in Washington DC. Have you noticed any real changes in Washington DC during the last sixty, seventy, 80 years. This year will go down in history as a astronomically fast change to socialism and communism and why was it? Why were they able to do that? Because the propaganda and the brainwashing that we're all going to get sick if we don't follow them to hell. Right. And so folks we've gotta wake up. Get rid of your masks. Talk to your sheriff. Get get a relationship with your sheriff the ultimate power in your county. You must get a relationship with him or her. There's about 18 female sheriffs in America and let us all remember that our country was founded on this one principle that all men are created equal we are not prejudice against anyone we are not against anyone's color who their parents were where they come from what religion they are we support the liberty of all people we cannot make exceptions and we certainly cannot make one now because there is a supposed crisis Would any of us signed up for America that said to to the people whether you're Democrat what doesn't matter who you are or what party you are. Democrats would you have signed up for a country that says oh yeah we'll support your civil rights. We believe in what Martin Luther King did. We'll support your individual liberty. We'll support God given rights. Oh wait. Time out. Stop. Hold the phone. Unless there's a crisis. Unless there's an emergency then we won't. We get the power to determine when we shut off liberty, when we suspend the constitution, and it's just up to us. My friends, that was never meant to be and it should not be happening now and I'm asking each of you to join us in this holy cause and I will close my remarks today with the last line of the declaration of independence and for the support of this declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence we mutually pledge our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor and they did it to this holy cause my dear friends we must do likewise today I would love for all of you to join us help us with funding for this organization so that we can continue this effort create more deputy Stan Lennox create more sheriffs who are willing to stand who have the knowledge and the guts to do so like Brad Rogers did thank you so much for having me Sheriff Mack that was absolutely outstanding the now the the United States of America they need to hear this General Flynn that was his primary topic at the Tulsa event we just came back from is we gotta get involved in local elections. Sheriffs have so much authority and America needs to wake up and make sure that we have the right sheriffs in every county and know our constitution. We we sell hundreds of these constitutions every day. This is the year that people are going to wake up to the constitution and me being a marine, most people don't understand this either. As a marine, you're sworn in to the constitution of the United States. Right. The President of the United so we are called to file lawful orders and in lawful order even the president of the United States can be arrested by a private and the marines if they violate to violate it to acute excessive degree so thank you so much Sheriff Mack keep up the great work we'll put you'll we'll put that in there for you your your organization we support you 100% love that have you back anytime thank you god bless you thank you god bless. So, Restore is a product that does what it says it does. 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Welcome back to His Glory Sheriff Mack and thank you sir for your service to our country. Jen thank you so very much and thanks for having me and I love your backdrop and I love your message that it it is indeed something that we have to focus on as as children of God that we focus that this is all for his glory and this is his country and he founded this country and we have an obligation to protect it and to protect the principles of liberty of free will of agency that that this country was founded upon and and and so I'm thrilled to be with you today. Thank you so very much for having me. No, sir. The honor is truly all ours. We're just so excited to hear what you have to say and the message that you want to get across to our viewers and I did not do your resume any justice whatsoever. So, why don't you start off with telling us a little bit about your background and about your wonderful organization. Well, actually grew up under an FBI father. Uh he retired from the FBI back in like 197475 and I wanted to get in the FBI but that never worked out and while I was waiting to hear from the FBI, I hired on with local police department in in Utah, Provo, Utah and I stayed there 11 and a half years, almost 12 years and then, something really happened. Uh I didn't want to do this. I never talked with my wife about doing this. Uh her mom and dad were plotting us to move home just pick up and move home to Arizona and run for Graham County Sheriff this is first time my wife agreed that her parents were crazy and neither one of us wanted to do it and then one day my wife and I had an epiphany and we moved home in nineteen eighty-seven eighty-eight because I ran in 88 so yeah we moved home at the beginning of 88 and we ran for Graham County Sheriff in my hometown and miraculously I won I hadn't lived there for 12 years had never worked in law enforcement and let me tell you the miracles that were behind this campaign this election my lawsuit against the Clintons that we ever went to the Supreme Court all of this was so miraculous and how a few other sheriffs joined me in this lawsuit another and that Justice Scalia wrote the decision. It came out June 27, 1997 and it is the most powerful 10th amendment decision in the history of America. I did a quick little review of it in this book which is available on our website and anybody who reads this will be astonished and say the Supreme Court really said that. Well, they did and this reinforces federalism. It reinforced the responsibility of the states and of local officials to erect the barriers against the encroachments of the federal government and to make sure that the federal government stays within its proper lane. It's all about the checks and balances that the states and state officials are required to enforce. And the problem with America today is that the states have faltered in doing their job. Yes, absolutely and we are. We're seeing the federal government run rampant. I mean, look at everything going on in our country right now that's going unchecked. I mean, with the precipice of everything being the raid on Mar a Lago. Um you know, they're referring to the FBI and the Justice Department as Biden's personal Gustapo now in many news headlines. So. Well, I have a little story about that. Mar a Lago was at the FBI's first rodeo. I actually lost my third election because of my lawsuit. I didn't win at US Supreme Court until about 10 months after my election my primary I lost that so some people from Utah said Ed we'd love to have a constitutional sheriff up here that just beat the Clinton's at the Supreme Court so I moved back to Utah and I ran for Utah County Sheriff well guess what happened almost a year to the very day that I beat the Clinton's and the federal government at the US Supreme Court the FBI raid my office three days before the election three days to do me the most optimal damage where I had no time to really respond. The newspaper, the local newspaper, biggest headline you could possibly get. Mack raided by the FBI. And so guess what? I lost the election and I never heard from the FBI again. I never was charged with anything. I never was indicted. I never went before a judge. It was all completely dropped. Why? Why all this big stuff? And the FBI has been used as Hitman. You're right. It's worse now than it's ever been and they are not just weaponized but they are bullies. They are Nuremberg officers. They'll do whatever they're told no matter how criminal, criminal, or unethical or immoral or unconstitutional. They do it. They've done it and they'll do it more unless the states put their foot down and say no more federal bullies in our counties. And yes the states are the solution. Yes. And especially the sheriff. He is the bottom line. He is the last line of defense. He is the ultimate law enforcement authority and the ultimate executive in every county. Yes. So, what advice would you give Sheriff Mack because you know, you've gone up against the federal government. You've gone up against the Clintons and you won. So, what advice would you give for sheriffs right now during this time? Well, first of all, We we've become too comfortable and too complacent and I just want to ask every sheriff in the country. Did you take an oath in God's name to uphold and defend the constitution? If you did, how is it that you're keeping that oath? And and is it ever okay to take an oath and then summarily ignore it? Or wittingly disobey it? And so it all boils down to the oath that is required of every public official in article six of the US Constitution so the Supreme Law of the Land mandates that we take that oath. The question is how do we keep it and do we keep it at all? And so the training that we offer in CSPOA is to every public official especially our sheriffs to wake up to our sense of duty to wake up and see the destruction of our constitution happening every day pragmatically through the corruption of Washington DC politics and Washington DC the United States Congress and the White House are absolutely the greatest enemy to our god-given liberties and now we as sheriffs in this country must wake up to that awful situation and provide a defense and provide a solution that is peaceful and effective and so that's where teach the doctrine of interposition that the sheriff is the interposer that he stands in the way to protect the people from criminals of Washington DC or they could be coming in from the state capital or they could be local police. The sheriff has the ultimate duty and responsibility to protect his citizens from all enemies both foreign and domestic. It's really sad that Abraham Lee prophecy is coming is coming true that we will never be destroyed from an outside enemy. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we are we will destroy ourselves and that is exactly where we are and we must wake up and and build our defenses and again, this is I don't see another peaceful and effective solution that we're offering at the CSPOA and and CSPO is not the ultimate here. What what is the goal is freedom and liberty for all people. And it just so happens that the sheriffs have the potential to do that. Will they do it? I pray so. But they the sheriff only answers to you, to the people, to we the people. We are his only boss. We must have a relationship with our sheriff and make sure he knows that we want him to protect us for from the abuse and oppression of Washington DC bureaucrats. Amen. Nope, you're absolutely right and I think a lot of people don't understand, you know, the authority that the sheriff truly does have. As a matter of fact, I don't think a lot of people understand the authority in the constitution. I actually brought mine today. So, this is a pocket constitution. We sell 'em on His Glory. ME under our merchandise. Everybody to have one of these, they need to read them because the power will always be in the people. Well how is the sheriff going to protect the rights of the people if he doesn't know what they are? Exactly. He has to he had to be familiar with the constitution and more specifically the Bill of Rights. Yes. And it is the Supreme Law of the Land. So how could traffic laws or statute passed by a state supersede the Bill of Rights. That is impossible yet we've been brainwashed as law in this country that we're just supposed to enforce all the laws. Well, no police agency, no sheriff's office does that. Because there's too many stupid and ridiculous laws on the books. And it would be oppression if we did that. But the problem is do we understand our role in the preservation of our constitutional republic? And that's where we come in and we provide the training and the education because nobody can do this in ignorance. And and and I'm really I don't mean to demean any sheriff or chief of police or anyone else with that. But it's it's plain and simply that we've never been trained in the constitution as law enforcement officers. And that's a shame and in some ways I think that's probably done on purpose. Um oh yeah. It's the same it's the same with the purpose of people in government and the media trying to convince us that we're a democracy. Right. Right. Why do they keep lying to us about that? Yeah so it. That's just one of the, that's just one of the examples of the lies we've been told in our country. Yes. Now, I want to get into these courses because I feel like they are, you know, knowledge is key as you just said, that's so powerful right now because we are partly in an information war and so, tell us a little bit about the courses you offer, what people can expect, how long they are, just some details about the courses that you offer, and and what people will get out of them if they take them. Hi, Hebrews Coffee by His Glory, providing you with the best tasting coffee on the planet. If you feel like you're stuck with a health plan that doesn't meet your needs, cost too much, or for whatever reason you're just not happy with, there is another choice. It's called MediShare. The tip of family saves $500 a month. Plus, you get access to an extensive doctor's network and a no-cost twenty-four 7 telehealth option. So no, you're not stuck. There is another choice. When I think about the that MetaShare makes relative to the countless other health care options that we were on. We never felt so known as individuals. And Metishare is a community. Every member is a part of that community so why would you not try it? Come be a part of something you can believe in. MetaShare is a community of Christians who share each other's health care bills. It's no wonder MetaShare has a 98% customer satisfaction rate. Come, find out why MetaShare is the most trusted name in health care sharing. Of we highly suggest that you go to our website CSPOA. org. Become a member of the CSPOA Posse and then we do training every Tuesday morning our webinar, our posse webinar and and we cover all these subjects but you also on our website is an available six-hour training course. Uh every person in the country should do that. Uh every person should have our books. We I've written about six or seven books and these are an amazing These are all amazing tools for liberty. Especially this one. You will absolutely be amazed with this miracle. And we know where miracles come from. It was not me. Uh but and I've always said I just want to pray to be an instrument in God's hands for good. For change. For freedom. Uh and so the training that we actually conduct with our seminars for public officials and the public. We do we train everybody in this. We the people must know what our sheriff is supposed to know. What he's supposed to do. How how can you ask him to do things if you don't know what he's supposed to be doing. So so this relationship with your sheriff is vital to this cause. And the freedom process and restoring liberty in our constitution to America is not going to happen if the American people are not involved in the process. So this partnership with you with the people and the sheriff is vital to our success and so people I'm asking you right now you've got to do more you've got to take this a stand with your sheriff you've got to support him if he says no way will I be a constitutional sheriff then you need to find somebody else and you might even need to recall him but give him be patient and give him a chance to repent if you will and and see the heirs of his ways and say you know what I took this oath I'm going to keep it and I'm going to the people as I promised to do. And and really that's the solution. Therein lies the solution. And I could tell you story after story after story of sheriffs who have done this very courageously stood against the federal government, the state government, the governors, health departments and other public officials in the county. So there's some that have really stood strong against school boards and have protected the people from the tyranny of school boards that say that people, the parents can't get involved in their their children's education. Yeah, can you imagine anything so Sheriff Mack, their domestic terrorists. I know. Yeah, it's gotten a little bit insane. So, our training is vital and we encourage everybody to get to it or if you want me to come out to your area and we do a seminar for the public and for the sheriffs and deputies and chiefs of police and local law enforcement and city councils, county commissioners but do you know who really like to see the county attorney and prosecutors. They have really been inculcated if not brainwashed into believing things that simply are not true in the constitution. Right. Now, for people who want to get involved because as you just said, people now is the time to get involved. So, we need to increase our knowledge. We need to get involved and I think sometimes people are a little intimidated just to reach out to their local sheriff and ask for me How would you recommend people go about doing that? He should be the one that's intimidated. Cuz the boss is coming to check with him. Like exactly. Exactly. But I I highly suggest that you're tactful. That you're as wise as serpents and harmless as as doves. And that you you take something to break the ice like a plate of cookies. Uh don't take donuts. That's too stereotypical. Right. But literally take a plate of cookies and leave it with dispatch or you know leave it with the officers or whatever. Leave it with the chief and and as you know or the sheriff and they can get it to the other people but yeah you know do something nice like that and just break the ice and and then just tell the sheriff you want to discuss some of the problems going on in our country and and Sheriff what are you going to do if the Biden administration goes door to door to confiscate guns like pretty much he's promised to do. Right. He has promised to take our our quote assault rifles. Well how's he going to do it if he doesn't go to our homes to do it? And there's already BATF agents that are going door to door trying to check people's guns without warrants of course they just think people will open the door for so the threat is really there yes and folks don't be afraid be courageous stand bold be tactful and friendly and continue and and have this conversation with your sheriff will you support us as we bring Sheriff Mack in for training will you attend will you invite other sheriffs to attend and Sheriff Mack is the only sheriff in our nation's history that sued the federal government and won a case at the United States Supreme Court now the decision is called Prince because Sheriff Prince joined me in the case and his case ended up even though he filed about six weeks after I did his case was heard first so his name is attached to the case more than mine but he and I appeared at the Supreme Court together in December 199-six. We miraculously won about six months later. Folks, you need to be very familiar with this. Hand your sheriff a copy of the case and say, I'd really like you to be familiar with this and I'd really like to talk to you about it and again, would you not be interested to see what this case was all about seeing how it's the only time in history that sheriff sent to federal government and won a landmark decision. So, he any sheriff and every sheriff should be interested in that. So, that's a way to to approach the sheriff at that point. If he has Nothing to do with this, then you've really got a serious problem. Yeah and Sheriff Mack can you go into that just briefly just briefly describe that case and and what happened? Yeah. Well it was the Brady Bill and the Brady Bill was the first time in history that Congress promulgated legislation that commandeered the Office of Sheriff to enforce a federal law. Really? And they knew that they had no authority to do this. So they threatened to arrest us if we failed to comply. Threat to arrest every sheriff in this country if they told the federal government to go pound sand. We don't answer to them. They can't hire me. They can't fire me. They don't pay my salary. Why would I do what they say? It We're a county officer. Not a federal officer. We won on that. We said they cannot tell us what to do. It violates the 10th Amendment and we won big time. Now, listen to this. Scalia actually quotes the federalist papers. He quotes the constitution. He quotes the founding fathers but my favorite quote from the federalist papers in this decision is this, hence, a double Security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other. That's Federalist fifty-one. And so if if different governments actually control each other that creates a double security to the rights of the people. Right. And that's all we're after here. And so this decision is so powerful, so far reaching, if we had sheriffs just that knew this case and in four it, we would not be in the mess we're in today. Yeah and it is very important that we all let me add one other thing there. I'm sorry to interrupt you. Um what happens when the 87 thousand new IRS agents come into your county and start abusing the people. Who's going to protect you from that? Oh you're going to tell them to get a lawyer, you really think that the average citizen in your county has enough money to sue and stop these federal bullies from going after them confiscating property, garnishing their accounts empty in their bank accounts and nobody's going to do anything to help these people be protected from these bullies. Everything that the IRS does is unconstitutional. It's extremely cruel and why we've allowed this to happen and take place in our country. I'll never know but every sheriff in this country can stop it and should. I absolutely agree and that's right around the corner. I mean that's coming. That's a large chunk of that inflation reduction act that they just signed was to fund that. I mean why any any person in this country would vote to keep that going and say oh yeah we love the inflation. We love the chaos at the border. We love the a new 87, 000 more bullies. The federal government and the White House and Biden didn't hire more to go after human trafficking. They didn't hire more agents to secure the border. They didn't hire more agents to stop child sexual exploitation. All these crimes going on and they hire more bullies to come after us. And the crazy thing of it is if they would establish a fair and simple tax code we wouldn't even need the IRS. Right. But they wanted both Democrats and Republicans keep keep this agency in there and you can only surmise one reason. They want to control us. They want us intimidated and afraid of them. His No, you're right and they're also, like you mentioned earlier, they're coming for our Second Amendment and I want to get you to respond Sheriff Mack if you would. This was a quote from Biden when he said this in regard to the Second Amendment. I respect the culture, the tradition, the concerns of lawful gun owners. At the same time, the Second Amendment like all other rights is not absolute. People who destroy the constitution as politicians would have to say that to justify what they're doing. Right. There's nothing that's absolute. My right to breathe is absolute. My right to exist is absolute. My right to defend myself is absolute. And you absolutely cannot interfere with my right to keep and bear arms unless I'm trying or go or hurting someone else. Otherwise, government's only role in my right to keep and bear arms is to guarantee it. That's what these people Washington DC don't understand. They've been so brainwashed that they can do anything they want. They can even violate our god-given rights and the rights guaranteed in the constitution. They don't think they mean anything. There's no absolutes and they can violate them with impunity however they want because nobody stops them. Well, We have a solution to that. 3000 sheriffs in this country to stop it. And and bottom line Gun control in the United States of America is against the law. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Yes. Nope. You're right. So if you want, if you want a constitutional sheriff in your county. Join with us. Become members of our our CSPOA Posse. Get get our training to your area. Uh there's other people that do constitutional training. Go for it. Mine is a very unique perspective because I was a sheriff and I'm and I'm again the only sheriff in American history to launch a major lawsuit against the federal government and win. And that case is vital to the training. Now Sheriff Mack would you say in your experience currently because you interact with sheriffs still to this day. Would you say the majority are constitutional sheriffs? No. No. No. That's a real good question but no, they're not. Most of them, you said most people don't understand the power of the sheriff? Most sheriffs don't understand their own power and too many of them are so afraid that and worried about keeping their jobs instead of doing their jobs. Right. And I I can understand that but we have to do the right thing despite the financial repercussions. Uh for anybody to say I'm not going to be a constitutional sheriff because it it might cost me my next election. You mean you're you're willing to put your own money and and your own financial well-being ahead of the freedom and liberty of the people who hired you. See I don't respect that. I I understand it. But I do not respect it. And and we just need more courageous people to do the right thing. If we had if this was Vogue and and more prevalent with our sheriffs. We wouldn't have to worry about that. So we just need to make this go viral. Uh and and folks this will happen if you get involved. I can't do it. I'm one person. Uh and and these sheriffs say well why should I listen to Sheriff Mack? He's not my constituent you know. So well then you could say Well, he did win a case at the US Supreme Court about all these issues. Said, okay. Well, okay. Give me his case. I'll read it. You know, but the the thing of it is, his constituents, his voters must be involved if they're really going to get his attention. Right. And now is the time. I mean, you have to have a backbone but we have to fight. Our freedom is on the line and more and more is chipped away every single day. So, you know. Absolutely. Meeting with the sheriff. You mentioned getting involved in school boards and what in educating yourself Mainly getting this constitution right here. So I always say two things you need to do. Read your Bible and the US Constitution. And what else Sheriff Mack, what else can should we be doing right now? All of us need to know and understand the basics of why we have government. Okay so why do we why are we a Republic? What's the difference between a Republic and a democracy? And what's the difference between a constitutional republic is what we're supposed to be. Oh we're not well yeah we're a Republic but we're a Democratic Republic. No. That's not in any of our foundational documents. That's not what the founders We must understand our foundation. We must understand the principles upon which America was founded or we're not going to get the rest of this. We're not going to understand it. So we must go back. The solution, the answer, better yet, the answer is not if we move forward. The answer is behind us. It's in our history. It's a it's a independence hall. It's at the constitutional convention of our founding fathers where they advised the most amazing government in world history and the problem is there are forces within our country and abroad all across the world that want to destroy that and and literally have a socialistic communistic takeover of America from within and indeed we are now embracing those very policies of the communist regime yes that we fought about four or five wars to stop. World War one, World War two, Korea, Vietnam, and yet we we now are embracing what we risked millions of lives in our own country to stop and so we have gone way downhill on all of this and and so we must recognize the dangers of socialism the which is the antithesis of our constitutional government. The Declaration of Dependence declares the purpose of all government. We must all in all three branches of government, the people with our government officials understand that principle and it's this, quote, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, end quote. It almost sounds religious, doesn't it? That's because it is. The the responsibility of protecting god-given rights is a very religious calling. The calling of sheriff is extremely powerful laced with such responsibilities and duties that none of us can really fully realize the of the position of sheriff that he understands the doctrine of interposition and making sure that he keeps this movement peaceful but effective in preserving the god-given rights of the people Benjamin Franklin said after the constitutional convention when a a friend a lady friend in his neighborhood asking Doctor Franklin what kind of government have you left us and he said a republic if you can keep it and so the there's two things there. It's not a democracy at the Republic and secondly, we the people are in charge of making sure that we keep it and we have fallen asleep. Some of our public officials have fallen asleep and it's time to wake up and get busy or we are going to lose America. And you know they say you know it takes what 3% I mean I hopefully there would be more but 3% to stand up and fight and you know to fight back against everything that's going on. Um well I'm afraid you're right. I you kno
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