What Your Issue? - Podcast - Episode 5

5 months ago

We're at it again, running down the comic books that shipped 31 October 2018! It was a fifth week, and boy did it feel that way. Listen in to find out exactly what we mean. Agasicles. Steven. A good chunka comics, AND, as ALWAYS, each of us throws down and declares! The Best Thing I Read This Week (TBTIRTW)!

Reviews Segment:

1. Nightwing/Magilla Gorilla Special #1

2. Justice League / Aquaman: Drowned Earth #1

3. Old Man Hawkeye #10

4. What If? Magik #1

5. Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer #2 (Final Issue)

6. Justice League Dark / Wonder Woman: The Witching Hour #1

Best Things This Week

Agasicles - Justice League / Aquaman: Drowned #1

Steven - Old Man Logan #50 (Final Issue)

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