Discover Your TRUE GOAL and Make Your Dreams Reality

5 months ago

Vadim Zeland in Reality Transurfing says that, "Once we identify our true goal, our life turns into a celebration." I personally couldn't agree more and find that the goal for most of us is synonymous with purpose.

The goal isn't finite but an expression of our truest individual nature.

This course is designed to help you connect with that so that you don't have to fulfill a concrete goal to attain happiness, but instead can find a statement of purpose and by living your credo, you can celebrate in advance as you pursue whatever is next to accomplish in your life.

This course is about 12 years worth of research and exploration distilled into short videos with a step-by-step process outlined to find your deepest goal - your purpose for this earth.

There's a lot to learn beyond this but it's THE STARTING POINT for the development of yourself and attaining any sort of fulfillment in this lifetime.

I'm giving it away because I think it's so valuable that anyone can benefit from it. I also can't do much to help someone beyond this point until they have this part figured out.

From here, there's so much to learn. But this particular process is put together for you to get a sense of your self, your identity, your reason for being and to identify your true goal as Vadim talks about in Reality Transurfing.

I'm honored to share it, if you take it PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS:

This is designed to be taken in ONE WEEK - one module per day for 7 days.

The exercises should be done daily, leading you to crafting your very own purpose statement / credo. The statement is the foundation of your work and your contribution to society. It's also something that shouldn't be forced. Relax, enjoy inquiring with yourself and take the time to focus on you.

There's no right or wrong way to express yourself - just do what feels right and follow the process for a week.

ACCESS THE COURSE HERE - absolutely free -

If you need help, I can happily be of service. Just sign up for a call here:

I truly hope this course is something that helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and assists you in defining your purpose, your true goal, your reason for being.

We need you to help build a better world. Your unique gift and expression is requested and we can't wait to see all you're capable of!

Thank you truly - love is all there is

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