⚠️⚠️⚠️ Everything is interrelated,

20 days ago

everything plays a part in getting us where they need us to be; sick, compliant, servient, fearfull, weak, powerless, brainwashed, obedient, transhuman slaves.
Viruses, racial conflict, mass shootings, gender psyops, food shortages, vaccines, 5G, geoengineering, all of it is by design in order to get us a step closer to their ultimate goals.
Their agenda is so anti-human, anti-nature and anti-life that in order to get us there, they need to destroy our health, our will, our faith, our power and everything in our lives that has a positive impact: family, spirituality, human connection, unity, creativity and love. They must destroy all the things that make life worth living, because those are the things we will fight for.
That is why they divide us, they make us fight, they distract us and they indoctrinate us to think that wrong is right and right is wrong.
They confuse young people about their gender, they convince women that killing their unborn child is a right, they call parents terrorists and terrorists democrats, they promote pedophilia, they distribute crack pipes instead of helping addicts into rehab, they send arms to Nazis, but won’t let you own a gun to defend yourself, they want you eating insects and won’t let you grow your own food, they stigmatise alternative medicine and promote Big Pharma’s drugs that never cure but make you a customer for life and they make us think we are weak, powerless beings in need of their protection, when nothing could be further from the truth.
It takes an enormous amount of strength to swim against this evil current, so if you are one of those people that is swimming against it and is still afloat, pat yourself on the back - you are AMAZING!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment.
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