Ford Motor CEO visits China, sees existential threats and opportunitiesin

10 days ago

Video: Ford Motor CEO visits China, sees existential threats and opportunities, and overhauls the company. He is not going to wait for government bailouts like Intel 福特汽車執行長訪問中國,看到存在的威脅和機遇,並對公司進行徹底改革. 他不會像英特爾那樣等待政府救助.

Of all the legacy carmakers, Ford Motor Company is best positioned to survive the onslaught of Chinese auto brands. Ford dominates in pickup trucks and commercial vans, industry segments in which Chinese automakers are not yet competitive abroad. They are also the most profitable markets on a per unit basis. The high tariffs and import bans that are designed to keep Chinese models out of North America are of little help to Ford, but serve ironically as a lifeline to Japanese and European companies who exist only as long as the tariffs do.

But Jim Farley, the CEO of Ford Motor, nevertheless is making huge changes at Ford based on his recent experiences in China. In a new strategy, Ford will abandon entirely its ambitions to compete in China in the passenger vehicle markets, and everywhere else in electric vehicles made by Ford's domestic factories. Instead, they will aggressively build new electric vehicle models in light and heavy trucks, designed by their engineers in the US, but produced and distributed by their Chinese joint venture partners.

在所有傳統汽車製造商中,福特汽車最有能力在中國汽車品牌的衝擊下生存。 福特在皮卡和商用貨車領域佔據主導地位,而中國汽車製造商在這些領域尚不具備海外競爭力。 以單位計算,它們也是利潤最高的市場。 旨在將中國車型排除在北美之外的高關稅和進口禁令對福特幾乎沒有什麼幫助,但諷刺的是,這卻成為了日本和歐洲公司的生命線,這些公司只在關稅存在的情況下生存。

但福特汽車公司執行長吉姆法利(Jim Farley)仍然根據他最近在中國的經歷,對福特進行了巨大的改變。 在新策略中,福特將完全放棄在中國乘用車市場以及福特國內工廠生產的電動車市場上競爭的野心。 相反,他們將積極生產輕型和重型卡車的新型電動車,這些車型由美國工程師設計,但由中國合資夥伴生產和分銷.

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