20210718 RRGC USPSA Match, Richmond CA, Jim Susoy - Limited A Class

4 months ago

Finished 4/18 Limited - 34/150 Overall
00:00 Stage 3 - 8/18 Limited - 87/150 Overall (I was doing awesome till that mini-popper)
00:51 Stage 4 - 2/18 Limited - 23/150 Overall (Slight concussion going into the copper tunnel)
01:53 Stage 5 - 3/18 Limited - 21/150 Overall
02:46 Stage 6 - 2/18 Limited - 36/150 Overall (Lots of mistakes... Brutal stage!)
03:42 Stage 1 - 4/18 Limited - 12/150 Overall (Loves me some hoser stages)
04:26 Stage 2 - 6/18 Limited - 60/150 Overall

I had some bad mental errors in this match (actually FTSA'd a target! after taking 4 makeup shots on a mini-popper). Lots to learn from and work on.

I though I did terrible on Stage 6 but took 2nd place on it. Turned out to be a punishing stage for a lot of people and shooting it poorly and just getting your hits was enough.

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