JFK Tried to Warn Us About Kamala Harris

12 days ago

🚨 JFK Tried to Warn Us About Kamala Harris’ Role in the Deep State Agenda

📌 #JFKAssassination #KamalaHarris #DeepState #GunControl #FreeSpeech #WakeUpAmerica

• JFK’s Warning: In 1963, JFK was on the brink of exposing the global elites pulling the strings behind wars, money, and power. His assassination wasn’t random; it was to silence the man who was about to reveal their plan to enslave the public.

• Kamala’s Role: Today, Kamala Harris is their new tool. From pushing gun control to suppressing free speech under the guise of “misinformation,” her agenda is paving the way for deeper government control. No armed citizens, no resistance—just how the elites want it.

• Destabilizing America: Kamala’s immigration policies and division tactics are weakening America from within. It’s not just about votes—it’s about keeping the nation distracted while the elite execute their plan in the shadows.

Stay vigilant. This is how they plan to control us—piece by piece. Don’t fall for it.

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