The Bloodline War #1 - It's All in Your Bible... Or, Is It?

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Have you ever wondered?

• Exactly what went wrong in the Garden of Eden…
• What about those fallen angels…
• Why the flood was necessary…
• How giants, dinosaurs, wars and what seems to be God’s unfair wrath fit into history…
• Why is God’s remedy THE BLOOD…
• Where did all those Bad Guys in the Old Testament come from…
• Who did Cain marry…
• Who were the Sadducees and Pharisees…
• Who are the upper echelon powers that rule the world today…
• How can they be so evil and cruel…
• Who or What is Babylon…
• Where do we fit in…
• Who or what are demons…
• What is the Apocalypse…
• How does God’s Kingdom come to earth…
• Who is Gog & Magog…
• What is God’s Greatest Desire…

Join me for all of The Bloodline War "Series of Teachings" where we will uncover the genealogies of Cain and Seth all the way through to the New Testament and beyond.

Find out where to find the missing links to your unanswered questions.

Discover why things seems to be hidden in plain sight.

Learn the importance of knowing the generational bloodlines of the Bible - both good and bad.

In Lesson One, you might be shocked to find out that the Protestant Bible of today once had 80 books and not 66. Lesson One is foundational for laying the groundwork of this series.

Put your seatbelt on and strap in tight as, together, we explore things hidden in plain sight concerning Biblical truth.

It's All About the Seed!


Welcome to "Unveiling 5D Truth in a 3D World" with the Real Deborah Ross!

Welcoming Seekers, Christians, Patriots, those of other faiths, those of no faith, all denominations, all cultures, ALL GOD'S PEOPLE who want to DIG DEEP into the Bible, Historical Sacred Text, History, Fake News, Real News, and all those who are not afraid to SEEK TRUTH in the midst of lies - even if it means changing your opinion and swimming upstream from everyone else.

Join me in my journey as, together, we uncover things hidden in plain sight, things purposely deleted or hidden from us, and things that can only be revealed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sorry... Bots, Trolls, Religious Nuts, Scammers, Naysayers, Problem Makers , and the like will be deleted and banned.

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