90 in 90 - Day 09 -Letting Go of Control

23 days ago

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Don't use today even if your ass falls off - DUTEIYAFO
Body text:
Prayer: Higher Power, help me release the things I cannot control. Grant me the strength to accept what is and the wisdom to focus on what I can change. Guide me with peace as I let go and trust in Your plan
Letting go and letting a higher power is a common phrase I hear almost daily. It is suggested that doing this is non-negotiable and fundamental to any significant change. For so long, I worked under the misconception that if I could just control every detail, every situation, and every person in my life, I’d somehow feel safe, secure, and in control. But I have come to believe that this mindset only kept me trapped in fear and frustration. The more I tried to control things, the more chaotic and unmanageable my life became.
Recovery has taught me that true peace comes not from controlling everything, but from accepting that I can’t. Letting go of control means trusting a Higher Power, trusting the process, and trusting that things will unfold as they’re meant to, whether or not it’s according to my plans. And in fact, my plans rarely ever survive first obstacles. It’s about focusing on what I can change—my actions, my attitude—and surrendering the rest.
The common shortened version of the serenity prayer has me asking to "accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference". I have come to understand that "the things I cannot change" are outside of me, to "change the things I can" are inside of me and "the wisdom to know the difference" s that in real time I can recognize whether it is in me or outside of me. When I was in the throws of my addiction, the lines were so blurred and I constantly struggled to change others.
By releasing the need to control, I embrace the opportunity for growth, healing, and peace. It’s in that surrender, letting go of control, where I find true freedom. Being honest and admitting the illusion of control is the way towards the skill of letting go.
Letting go doesn’t mean giving up or being passive; it means having the wisdom to recognize what’s beyond my power and trusting that things will work out, even if I don’t have all the answers, especially when I do not have the answers.
The gift I get When I let go is I create room for peace, acceptance, and growth. It’s about trusting a process greater than my own will and finding freedom in that surrender.
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