Predicting the Election in Pokémon Red [Pokémon Red Part 4]

5 months ago

In this episode, I challenge Brock, Pewter City's gym leader. The layout is very simple, it's just a bunch of rocks, a male Jr. Trainer, and Brock.

The Jr. Trainer's ground types give Koopa a run for his money, but he eeks by on 1 HP due to sandshrew using sand attack over scratch. He then tells me about how Brock is hotter than me, but it doesn't phase me because I don't get offended easily.

Brock is actually easier because his pokémon take way more damage from Bubble. Once his Onix is defeated, I receive the Boulder Badge and the TM for Bide.

Brock (Obama) gave me (Joe) Bide(n). Interesting.

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