Haydn himself was a bit of a joker at times>No.45 for you!

4 months ago

Haydn -Symphony No. 45 Farewell Symphony, a good choice if you want to tell someone the “end” in a polite, non-direct way! For example, we at QFogel-rumble studio think of Kamala Harris in particular! Send her “Haydn No.45 for you” !
Thank you for your interest in this classical music! Have a safe journey home!
If anyone doesn't know the story about this pagan symphony, here it is. The Hungarian prince Esterhazy had many residences, including a hunting lodge where he entertained his friends. On this visit, he stayed longer than usual, and the musicians were not happy. They loved to work for their prince, but missed their loved ones and turned to pagans to ask the prince if they could go home.

Haydn did it properly, but got a polite no!. Haydn then basically went back to his musicians to give them the bad news, but he added, "I have an idea, believe me... Days later, this manuscript appeared with a polite note of obedience from Haydn. When this was listed in the program was not shown, but its effect was. But the prince was then reassured when the first movement was performed and his guests enjoyed his wonderful orchestra. The second set was a bit sad but pleasant, but he felt again that something was coming. The beginning of the fourth set was a calming down. However, when the Adagio began, it caught his attention.

The prince would not have been overly worried if one or two musicians had left a performance. However, when more left, the prince began to worry. After more musicians had left, Haydn himself left the stage. ..

Then he remembered his conversation with Haydn . Smiled as if to say I got the message, and then agreed to leave the next day, probably as long as the musicians returned to entertain his guests, which they did.

Remember that when musicians extinguished their candles, they were basically calling it a day. So the message was loud and clear and peaceful. Also, keep in mind that Haydn himself was a bit of a joker at times, so any guest of the prince would have laughed at that kind of thing. This is, if not the first, then at least the first musical protest against the conditions in society. But at the same time very entertaining!

Haydn Symphony No. 45 Abschiedssinfonie - Sinfonia Rotterdam/ Conrad van Alphen .

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