Jeff Gallagher RIP-patriotic Irishman-a tribute 22nd September 2024

4 months ago

Aisling O'Loughlin's contribution:

Jeff Gallagher: An honourable man cut short in his prime
In memory of his warrior spirit, may we carry on his mission for an appropriate response to migrant crime through proper channels of communication...

Aisling O'Loughlin
Sep 22, 2024
Was the throat cancer some kind of dark magic spell to silence that great voice? Or maybe the outcome of a new kind of weapon to deactivate dissidents. Perhaps it was just his time, although it certainly doesn’t feel like that. Who knows? One thing’s for sure, Jeff Gallagher had the capacity to reach Middle Ireland. That made him a threat to the regime. Jeff had the common touch combined with dashing good looks and a fully functioning brain. Star quality, in other words. The few speeches recorded of him at rallies display a man who spoke straight from the heart, no notes, no fear, pure charisma.

“We’re at war. It’s not a cold war. It’s not a military war. It’s a war of attrition. They’re trying to wear us down. But I see the strength in all of you, the few hundred of you that turned up today as RTÉ would say.”

Of course there were thousands at the Customs House in Dublin listening to Jeff as he tuned into the collective mood and reflected it back on the crowd, effortlessly. He had that gift. A rare one indeed.

Cometh the hour, cometh the man
Jeff knew RTÉ had misled the Irish public into a dangerous medical trial and that they were covering up the excess deaths since the rollout of the liability free injections, that nobody needed. Citizen journalist Philip Dwyer recorded Jeff at a march in Coolock, Dublin, addressing RTÉ Investigates reporter Barry O’Kelly, who has just released a documentary Inside the Protests, omitting this bit from his heavily slanted programme:

“You could be a nice guy but you’re part of an institution that is so corrupt, so morally corrupt and broke…So you could be the nicest man in RTÉ but you’re part of that establishment and over the last three or four years, you’ve shown your true colours. You’re the propagandist arm of the government”.

In the video, Barry O’Kelly walks away as Jeff brings up the missing children that RTÉ refuses to cover with the seriousness the story deserves. There are more than 300 missing children in Ireland. We don’t hear about them except for the odd report buried deep in the news agenda. Where are they? In March this year, Aontú leader Peadar Toibín told the Dáil how a 14-year-old girl had been abducted by a criminal gang within minutes of being placed with child protection agency Tusla. She was found a year later locked in a brothel. RTÉ ignored the story.

Jeff cared enough about these children and his community to put his name on the ballot for the local elections on June 7, 2024, running as an Independent for Ballymun/Finglas, financed by his own enterprise as a hardware retailer. The posters went up. The campaign had just started to buzz when Jeff discovered he had throat cancer and all went eerily quiet. Little did we know then, there would be no more great speeches.

Jeff died on September 18, 2024 at St Francis Hospice, Blanchardstown surrounded by his childhood sweetheart and great love, his wife Sandra and their children Brooke and Mason. At his funeral mass in the Church of the Nativity of Our Lord in Beaumont Dublin, September 21, 2024, his family and friends sent him on his way with great sadness, some of his favourite songs, including When you were Sweet 16; with humour and dignity, plus his old slippers, a symbol of his love of home and family.

His fellow patriots formed a guard of honour outside the church each holding the Irish tricolour as Jeff Gallagher made his final journey, his heartbroken family and friends dressed in bright colours to celebrate a man who brought so much joy and energy everywhere he went. Quick to smile and crack a joke to put everyone at ease, how could Jeff be gone so soon? What had happened?

Maybe we’ll never know but we’re left with the legacy of a man who showed uncompromising courage in the face of a machine that would silence its objectors with anti-free speech laws, if it could only get away with it, and march us into complete totalitarianism. Jeff understood the stakes. Now or never. Stand up and be counted. He rose to the challenge. He made a huge impression including a controversial Twitter/X post that raked up 2.4 million views and put the spotlight on a story that the government and RTÉ tried to bury.

Jeff Was Right

The Twitter/X post from November 28, 2023 is still a cause for debate to this day but ultimately the objective Truth trumps all and Jeff has been proven right. It was posted nearly a week after a 50-year-old Algerian man, Riad Bouchaker, (allegedly) stabbed three children and a school worker in broad daylight in Parnell Square in Dublin. Government officials quickly reframed the narrative to focus on the ‘far right’ and the ensuing riots while counterintelligence claimed the attack was a false flag and the victims were just crisis actors. Different routes, same aim: It’s no biggie, go back to sleep.

Jeff had a broad network across Dublin and quickly discovered the stabbings were real despite all the rumours and misdirection. School worker, Leanne Flynn had risked her life to protect the children and spent a month in the Mater hospital, while two of the stabbed children escaped without serious harm. A five-year-old girl got the worst of the attack and was being kept alive on a ventilator and life support in Dublin’s Temple Street Hospital. As we’ve come to expect from migrant crime stories, there was an official block on information, no updates on the girl’s condition from the hospital or gardaí, no photos, no names, just a GoFundMe page with scant details.

This was done on purpose to create an information vacuum and to allow the worst kind of speculation to spread like weeds. The stabber had red lipstick on his mouth, not blood, as he lay on the ground after being tackled by three male heroes, who were dismissed as crisis actors. The video of the little girl on the ground must have been a dummy, they chimed, her shoes were too big for a five-year-old. People in orange clothes were co-ordinating the production. The lady with the headphones was the director! It was all fake, they repeated, as the focus readjusted to the ‘far right’.

Jeff pulled the lens back onto the stabbed child in hospital and demanded appropriate communication considering the gravity of the situation and the broader implications for Irish society. This was a matter of grave public importance and the people of Ireland had a right to answers from official channels, not an anonymous GoFundMe account.

This was too serious to be swept under the regime’s rug, at a time when then Taoiseach Leo Varadkar claimed it was ‘not right’ to connect crime to migration in Ireland. The implication being it was somehow racist to notice the murders, rapes, assaults and even beheadings by foreign men invited into Ireland without proper vetting or even documentation, from cultures incompatible with, and sometimes downright hostile to, our own.

Jeff informed viewers on X/Twitter that the child’s migrant parents had been warned by gardaí “not to speak to anyone, as it’s an offence and to take no pictures. One family member was threatened with jail”. He received backlash when he said the child was clinically dead after suffering cardiac arrests, information he’d received from medical professionals, too afraid to speak out. Why were they afraid? Jeff concluded:

It is my belief that Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Justice Minister Helen McEntee and Garda Commissioner Drew Harris have all colluded to gaslight the people of Ireland by deliberately deflecting to ‘far right’ propaganda, to emotionally manipulate our nation, to further globalist political agendas and to keep themselves in power at all costs, even at the expense of an Irish child of migrant parents. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

The little girl miraculously pulled through with the latest update (September 3, 2024) from the Barróg do Chailín Beag (A Hug For A Little Girl) GoFundMe page reporting the child has been discharged from Temple Street Children’s Hospital after 281 days. We still don’t have a name or a photo of the little girl and the mother has remained anonymous despite giving an interview to Alison O’Reilly for the Irish Examiner on May 17, 2024 which I look at in this video.

Code of Silence
Is the child’s mother following garda instructions to keep her identity hidden, as Jeff told us in his broadcast from November 2023? If so, this has very serious implications for journalism and for justice when the public is denied the full story under the guise of ‘respect for the family’. If the public saw the little girl’s injuries, recognised her face and prayed for her using her real name - that would forge a connection and the true horror of that day would finally register with the people. Hence the secrecy. The less they know the more subdued they remain. It’s the new state policy when it comes to migrant crime. Shift focus to the far right and confuse those of conspiratorial mindset by calling it a false flag through counterintelligence misdirection.

A previous post from the GoFundme page dated August 28, 2024, confirmed what Jeff had stated in that Twitter/X post that had caused so much controversy. The little girl’s mother described the day her world fell in, on November 23, 2023:

I ran over and saw a horrific site. I saw my little girl lying on the ground. Doctors and paramedics trying to get her heart beating and air in her lungs.
She was brought back to life by the amazing team at Temple Street Children's Hospital.
Some people wonder why it has taken her so long to recover and if she will be the same little girl as before. The human brain is a very complex organ. Deprive it of oxygen for too long and the body suffers. The longer it takes to get it working again, the longer it is to regain function.

Jeff’s sources had been correct. He was right. And he was right to demand proper channels of communication for a story of grave public importance. An anonymous GoFundMe account is inappropriate and open to fraud, in the wrong hands. It also feeds into the agenda of those who attempt to minimise the event by calling it a false flag, but that’s clearly the point. The aim is to take the heat out of migrant crime and distract.

Jeff demanded better. He put his face and name out there in a way that showed incredible backbone, at a time when all around him had attached themselves to lies. One side believed it was all theatre, that there was no little girl clinging to life in Temple Street Hospital, while the other side said it was fine to be stonewalled on her condition and saw no issue with the narrative flip to the ‘far right’. Sometimes it’s hard to win, but Jeff had an affinity with the Truth, he knew it was worth defending. Sometimes you have to stand alone to keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, as Rudyard Kipling wrote in his famous poem If.

Jeff never took down those videos about the Parnell Square stabbings because he knew the information was correct. He knew people would have to catch up with him, not the other way around. They’re still catching up. Some still clutching to their counterintelligence lines and refusing to budge.

Jeff was ahead of the posse. He demanded standards, proper protections for the Irish people from insane immigration policies that welcomed in foreign criminals and let them self-deport if and when they re-offended. Not good enough! Little children were stabbed by a repeat offender because a certain government minister failed to deport the man, now charged with attempted murder of those faceless schoolchildren whom we’re not allowed to know. Riad Bouchaker, should never have become Ireland’s problem. Why was he let in to scrounge off the system without contributing? And why wasn’t he deported after his first offence? He was allowed to stay on, at the taxpayers’ expense, to reoffend and stab three children and a school worker in broad daylight. That’s the story they’re trying to suppress and that’s the story Jeff put the spotlight on, even in death.

Jeff demanded honest reporting and timely communication through official channels. Let’s keep demanding these standards in his absence and in his honour.

The recent attempted stabbing of children by a migrant student at Blakestown Community school in Dublin was played down and buried, again without any suitable official response. We still don’t know if the student who lunged at the children with a stolen chisel was suspended from the school, let alone arrested, despite repeated appeals for information from the gardaí and the school principal. The state policy remains the same, flip it to blame those ‘racist far right’ for trying to protect Ireland’s children.

In memory of Jeff Gallagher’s warrior spirit may we never accept the stabbings of little children as normal in Ireland. May we never shrug our shoulders and move on to the next story. May we never allow ourselves to be deceived by counterintelligence trickery or repeat lies as truth. May we care enough, as Jeff did, to stand up and be counted, even if it meant going it alone, the ultimate sign of courage and character.

Let’t not underestimate the legacy of Jeff Gallagher, the Irish husband and father who confronted RTÉ for their crimes and demanded proper reporting on migrant crimes.

Let’s carry that flame and ignite real change.

RIP Jeff Gallagher (1976-2024)

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

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