5 months ago

there's been so much talk these days about ascension, what is ascension?

indeed, ascension is the integration, i would say that that is the key word in ascension, integration, integration of your body, of your mind and of your spirit together in what i call the body of consciousness. it is the joining together of all of your aspects, of your body mind spirit, of your soul self in this reality, in this physical reality. rather than waiting to have this ascension experience moments before your death.

in the vibrational range ascension simply has meant, in your history, it has meant releasing the physical body and going home. ascension has been done every time you leave the body and every time you die in one of these lifetimes.

today the gift is given to humanity, not only individually, but as a whole, to reach that ascension status, to vibrate so high, that you put yourself into a new place, almost like being reborn on the planet, almost like going into the next lifetime without dying.

now what is taking place for the very first time is that it is entirely possible to stay and start again. and that is our definition of what we have been terming as ascension. for now you can benefit from the same higher vibrations and the same rise in vibrations without having to go home first. and that is that becomes that becomes a larger awareness.

it's similar to the ice is beginning to thaw and there's more fluidity in the moving around in the water than there was in the rigidity of the ice. and as these vibrations raise up many of the beliefs, considerations, thoughts, habits, reactionary responses that we have held are now starting to just fall away.

those who are on this awakening path right now are literally the first group of humans who are allowing their divine into this reality. there's always been a veil or rather a wall separating that it's always been at a distance part of it to allow the human aspect of the human self to thoroughly delve into the experience of life and physical reality without the interference or the bias of having the soul self here. but also for a very good reason that there was a reluctance on the part of the human aspect to invite the soul self in because this reality is dense, it is harsh, it is easy to get trapped. here oftentimes the human didn't feel worthy or ready for this.

but what we are telling you is that the way that most people are experiencing this ascension at the moment is that they are simply feeling like they are spinning their wheels, they feel like they are doing all the right pieces, but not always seeing the results. and many times it's because how they have measured the results in the past or how they have looked.

many have this kind of well a hollywood version of ascension where suddenly you're stricken by a lightning bolt or suddenly you go up and up in a poof of smoke, but to go where, to go where? well, the real joy in ascension is a living ascension right here, but there are many what i would say false or misleading expectations and these are the expectations based on the human aspect it expects suddenly that you're going to be rich, the human aspect expects that suddenly with the enlightenment or the joining together of the soul self you suddenly have this massive knowledge that you are psychic that you can see into the future that suddenly you know all the information about science and mathematics and everything else. this is a what i would call the superman or superhuman expectation. all it's really doing is building the human aspect, aggrandizing it making it stronger better looking younger richer and sexier. this has been one of the very reasons that the soul self of the human self haven't done a real merge up to now, because of these false expectations. and this is why often when the soul self is in the presence of you in your now moment and oftentimes the human doesn't even recognize it because it's looking for something else, it's looking for intelligence, strength, money, any of these very human-based issues. indeed the soul self, the divinity is absolute simplicity. it is it is clear and it is simple and the soul self has no desire to try to rescue or save the human self, not because it's not compassionate as a matter of fact it because the soul self is very compassionate it wants the human to absolutely enjoy the experience of life even if that experience sometimes is difficult or tragic or dramatic. that is indeed part of living.

and if you are feeling stuck if you are feeling like you are doing all the right pieces the first thing to do is to lose your attachment to your perspective and to start to see from different areas and different ways of what your life is all about but that is what is changing you are receiving much help from the universe in this process.

when the soul self comes in and when the human aspect truly recognizes it there is a beautiful reunion, there is a an amazing alchemy of energies and consciousness that occur in this moment, but it doesn't mean that suddenly you're going to have what many of you would call a an experience of cosmic consciousness. it is a suddenly just an experience of accepting that it is all going to be okay, that you don't need to apply force or pressure to your life, you don't have to earn your way to heaven, you don't have to try to study every piece of spiritual information and according in order to try to get knowledge and wisdom.

in the shift there is something that really is extraordinary that if the universe knows you don't know where you store it all of your not okayness you know we walk around i'm not attractive i'm not smart i'm not intelligent i don't fit i'm never going to succeed i'm not okay in that not okayness every one of us has found that we don't like it it doesn't feel good it's threatening it's uncomfortable and so what we've done with that not okayness is we've kind of put it behind us in a field called unconsciousness. but we also know about this law of attraction and the law of attraction it says simply what you put your attention on i the universe who adores you will provide what you ask for. but the universe understands asking as in vibrational frequency and so when you take i'm not okay and i don't believe myself in myself and you store that in unconsciousness it doesn't go away and the universe wakes up with you the next morning and says what would you like to experience today and there's all that unconscious i'm not okay so the universe is really kind of eliminating a lot of your memory right now not your memory but the memory that you have chosen to hang on to to identify yourself.

it's part of the the this whole awakening process right now is it basically comes down to can you incarnate, can you reincarnate without having to go through the death experience. and a bigger question that i would ask any of the listeners do you want to? now this sounds like a strange question but i would have to say that so many of the listeners really aren't sure whether they want to even be here on this planet. They say well yes if i had my health if i had money if i had good relationships well yes i would want to be here but that's not how it works it's do you want to be here do you want life do you want to live in this experience, are you ready for basically a reboot of your body mind spirit are you ready for truly grand changes in your life?

part of the process is to allow yourself to love yourself to get into a state of mind where you start to understand all that is around you that you're not a victim of the planet but instead you have been placed here with reasons with purpose by your own design when you release yourself from this and start understanding who you are why you came and that the process is absolute it starts to change your life

now i know what's racing through many of your heads right now many of you say well i just want a little bit more money i want a little bit more ease i don't want to have to worry about tomorrow um i want to i want to my relatives to stop bothering me and those are incidental those are actually meaningless so i'm going to push you and part of my whole intent of working with all of you right now is to push it i'm saying but what do you really really want i'll give you the answer right now if it was me in your shoes in physical form on a planet at this time what i would choose would be clarity clarity because many of you are walking around in a fog the fog of mass consciousness the fog in the lack of your own decisions or directions or knowing what's going to happen i would ask for clarity and make that choice clear demand clarity in your life and once you have that clarity you understand also that you don't need to force this thing called ascension it's here you don't need to crawl on your hands and knees to have your own divinity come in it's actually already here it's about having the clarity to understand that to stop working at it so hard to do some breathing to accept that without the expectation and then to just live it.

but all of it is now about passion all of it is about finding that peace that each and every one of you brought from home and that's where the magic will be found in all of these areas every part of this for each and every person has a direct connection to home if they learn to explore it and they may have different expressions of it many may have different ways of communicating but all of this will change in the days ahead for all of humanity is walking clearly through through a mass ascension at this very time it's very exciting to watch what has never happened in quite this fashion before all eyes around planet earth

that leads to another amusing point many people want what they would call changes but not big changes they want a little bit more money they want a little less aches and pains in their body and they want other people to be nicer to them those are minor changes for the most part but what's the listeners what all of you listeners are on the verge of standing at the threshold of is major changes and that could mean totally new circumstances could mean a totally new mind and mindset totally new consciousness and that in turn may affect your relationships your job and everything else so many put their foot on the brake at this point saying well i want a little bit of ascension but i do have to say that there's not a little bit it's it's all or nothing because when you say a little bit of ascension it's still a human aspect it's not so sure not trusting itself not ready to let go not ready to do this thing that you you call the surrender or what i call the acceptance when you bring your soul self in and allow it to experience don't don't bring it in in order to save you in order to bring you money and bring you health no no no because it's not doesn't really want to come in on those terms it's not there to come in and save you it's there to be with you it's difficult to explain in human words but it's the best friend you've ever had it's the greatest lover you've ever had it's the greatest feeling of completion and fulfillment that you've ever had.

consciousness is starting to move more and more human beings will be receiving this message and starting to understand it is for them and not for the few but the few that i speak of are the forerunners they are the ones who are planting the seeds for the others eventually many will see it you're going to see the results of this the very answer to your question about how the world starts to go the elimination of war old energy is hard it will fight and these are the things you see on television these are the things that beat you up and make you think that there's no forward progress but there is go inside and go inward and you will see it and feel it if you wish to if you wish to

it's all personal but it would ask any of you to reflect on this for a moment imagine yourself imagine a threshold a doorway and imagine here you are on the limited human perspective side of the door on the other side of the door is this this concept this feeling of ascension why haven't you taken that step now we can say many will say that because they don't know what that step is no that's an excuse many will say that they're they're waiting for the answer before they take that step no an excuse there's a reason why any of you are waiting why what happens if this is all a joke or all an illusion or all totally untrue what happens if there there is no god there is no soul what if life is just the byproduct of some biological melding together of chemicals and elements that created some sort of quasi intelligence called humans about the planet what if this is all been made up and many humans don't want to face that so it's easier to stand at the doorway it's easier to stand and complain about the things that aren't going right it's easier sometimes to be in the in the um the illusion or wishing for something dreaming about it rather than to actually have it happen so you're in this in between you don't want to live you don't want to die what do you think happens in this in between zone not much not much you don't get much energy action therefore you don't get much abundance you have just enough you ever noticed any of you were listening you ever notice how you just have just barely enough and some days you go through i don't know how i got by should be nice to have a little bit more but no you're you're in this in between not living not dying so you literally attract just enough energy to your life in this in between you're not attracting dynamic relationships because you don't know if you want to be here or not so you're not magnetizing you're not bringing in dynamic enjoyable fun relationships.

many have done it is available for all and so too many have done it is available for all and so too many have done it is available for all and so too me and the answer today is that which is ascension is what the human is able to do in this new energy by claiming the divinity which is his.

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