Article 5026 Video - The Long and Winding Road - Monday, September 23, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5026 Video - The Long and Winding Road - Monday, September 23, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It was more then a decade ago when I first talked to Bill Thornton. He had just finished a stint in Federal Prison for no crime at all. He was talking about 18 USC 241 and 242, the so-called Brother's Keeper Clause in Federal Code and explaining to me what it implied. These British Territorial and Admiralty Officers are supposed to stay in honor and recognize Americans as Americans, even if we don't know what's going on and can't adequately defend ourselves and can't claim our exemptions as a result.

They are supposed to protect us if and when we land in their foreign jurisdiction, and assist us in any way they can, but that doesn't happen. We are known to be "internationally protected persons" but thousands of people also know that these courts and these officers show no respect or care whatsoever for those they prosecute and indeed, persecute.

Sad to say, Bill's stay in the slammer was adequate proof that they failed that trust, a fact that we both full-well knew before we ever began the conversation. Still, Bill had the obligation in his hand, in black and white. At the time, I was stymied as to what we could do with it. A dishonored obligation is a contract that is ignored, as these courts so often ignore all of us. We can talk, but they don't have to listen, or so they think, based on the fact that these judges are told that they can decide any case that comes before them based on their own discretion.

It must be nice to play God, stick two fingers in your ears, and start humming. I shook my head. Something more was needed beyond just the bare obligation, and that much was obvious. The obligation was like a chink out of a prison wall, letting in a ray of light, but it would have to be dug out and better understood, and additional research undertaken to formulate a theory of enforcement --- and then, there's the arduous business of test cases and processes. I felt exhausted just thinking about it, having already undergone a dozen or so such research efforts and I had the "ambiguous result" case files on my desk to prove it.

I remember what I told Bill at the time --- sometimes we win and sometimes we lose, but it's anyone's guess what turns the trick at any given time. It appears to be exactly what they tell these judges --- a matter of their own "discretion" --- which boils down to what they think they can get away with. So, sadly, I admitted, I didn't know what to do with the Brother's Keeper Clause or how to use it in a way that would guarantee results. Imagine my delight, when Doug in California sent me this brief run down and attached documents that he has been using to hold their feet to the fire -- and bring the obligation to fulfillment?

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