Dr. Casey Means on children being harmed by plastics, toxins...

4 months ago

"You take a child and you put them on a screen for, the average kid is using a screen seven hours a day. Okay, and so this is hitting their dopamine. So that's one input. You've got, we're eating a credit cards worth of plastic per week, right? And these are hormone disrupting chemicals...
Well, the plastic, well, plastics are in everything now. They're in our air. There are nanoparticles of plastic in the air we're breathing. They're in our water. They're covering every piece of food that we buy in the grocery store. You go to Europe, all the vegetables are just, they're just in these free markets, they're not packaged. In the U.S., you go to Trader Joe's, every single piece of food is covered in plastic. You've got the plastic water bottles, every single can that we drink in the United States is lined with a plastic coating, every single one. It's all getting in. And this can actually directly disrupt our mitochondrial function, which is the metabolic machinery of the cell. So microplastics actually can disrupt the way we make energy in the body.
And we know that metabolic issues are the root cause of every chronic illness facing Americans today. You can't make this up, you know? And then you have the endocrine, you have the, there's many effects of these things. But endocrine disrupting and mitochondrial disruption are two of the really big ones. Then you've got the kids eating 70% of their calories that a child is eating today is from a factory, industrially manufactured, ultra processed foods. We know that these foods are destroying our cellular biology. So it's really, you know, and with school start times, kids are not getting enough sleep. So across sleep, across movement, you know the average kid is spending less time outdoors than a prisoner in America right now. Like kids are not going outside, we're not getting the sunshine, our circadian rhythms are destroyed. So every level of society, public school start times are disrupting our food, our nutrients, our sleep, our stress and dopamine, our movement patterns and our toxins and we are getting destroyed."

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