Massive illegal migration to Canada and the USA in November 2024

16 hours ago

Come November 2024 a massive wave of illegal migration will happen. If Donald Trump wins, millions of illegal migrants are expected to flood Canada's border hoping to escape a massive deportation. And if Kamala Harris wins, millions more migrants will flood the southern border while millions of Americans come to Canada to escape the tyranny from open borders.

Catastrophic events will usher in a new monetary system so anyone who doesn't play by corrupt globalists' rules will be instantly impoverished.

To overcome our suppressors, we need to understand how they control virtually everything and why they don't want decentralized currencies and reasoning AI that dissipates knowledge, stops fake news, deepfake videos, disinformation, misinformation, fraud, identity theft, corporate and government corruption, and much more.

They want us sick, depressed, divided, confused, and at war, not healthy, high-spirited, united, enlightened, and at peace. Of course, they greatly profit from the former.

They are winning. But they haven't thought this through.

They think they are creating a race to serve them. A generation of children who can't read, write, do math, are confused with their gender, have a mental illness, and can't procreate after being sterilized by medical treatments and vaccines. But lower standards and DEI programs employing scientists, programmers, politicians, police, medical workers, pilots, air traffic controllers, and nuclear power plant workers (among others) is a bad idea, and AI robots to do those jobs is a long way off. Sure, when society and infrastructures collapse the weak-minded will be the first to surrender to the government that is killing them and replacing them with migrants. But even many migrants are waking up to what is happening and leaving.

Their plan is when we have had enough, we will accept CBDCs that promise to return peace and prosperity to all. And in doing so we will empower them to impoverish anyone who opposes them.

But there is hope. The masses are waking up to what is happening and no longer believing their controlled media. Sooner or later a leader will come and bring the masses together. That is what they fear the most. So, they may soon resort to their backup plan, which is to create a catastrophe to stop the coming USA election because Trump is a wild card.

The "fictional story" AI BEAST addresses three crucial things. One, the Satan-worshiping globalists have been planning this for a very long time, thinking they will be greatly rewarded by a god that deceives most and consumes children. Two, Christians’ fear of AI and trust in government is helping the globalists take over. And three, we better have a backup plan in case the writings about our savior have already happened.

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