Biography of Ahmadu Bamba Mbacke and his tomb | احمدو بامبا مباکے کی سوانح حیات اور ان کا مقبرہ

7 hours ago

@islamichistory813 #SufiWisdom #ReligiousLeader #Senegal

Biography of Sufi saint Ahmadu Bamba Mbacke and his tomb

Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, In this islamic informaive video, we presenting the biography of Ahmadu Bamba Mbacke, a prominent Sufi saint and religious leader known for his spiritual wisdom and commitment to social reform. watch complete video and get to know the key events that shaped his life, his role in the establishment of the Mouride Brotherhood, and his lasting influence on the Islamic community in West Africa. get to know the legacy of a visionary leader who inspired generations.

Ahmadu Bamba Mbacke also known to followers as the Servant of the Messenger (Khadim al-Rasol) and Serigne Touba or "Sheikh of Touba", was a Sufi saint and religious leader in Senegal and the founder of the large Mouride Brotherhood (the Muridiyya).

Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba produced poems and tracts on meditation, rituals, work, and Quranic study. He led a pacifist struggle against the French colonial empire travelling across the Atlantic Ocean while not waging outright war on the French like several prominent Tijani marabouts had done.

Amadou was born on the outskirts of 1270 A.H. (around 1853 A.D.) in the village of Mbacké (Mbàkke Bawol in Wolof) in Baol. He was born into a family with an ancient Islamic tradition, which had nevertheless maintained close relations and alliances with royal dynasties such as the Guééj. His father Maam Mor Anta Saly Mbacke was a Marabout from the Qadiriyya, the oldest tariqa (Sufi order) in Senegal. He had been appointed Qadi of the kingdom both by Maba Diakhou Ba and the Damel Lat Jor. It is said that even at a young age, Ahmadou Bamba pressured his father to give up his important position as Qadi to the Damel. Ahmadou Bamba disavowed this collaboration, which he considered suspicious in that it obliged his father to render power-inspired rulings potentially contrary to Islamic law. Bamba was the second son of Maam Mor Anta Saly Mbacke and Maam Mariyama Bousso (better known by the name Maam Diaara Bousso, or Diaratoullah in Arabic, which means "neighbor of God"). Both of his parents descended from the well-known patriarch Maam Mahram Mbacke, with their ancestors hailing from Fouta, northern Senegal.

The Mouride brotherhood began to develop at the end of the 19th century, following the defeat of the Wolof monarchies. This period of deep socio-political crisis was conducive to the birth of religious organizations founded by strong personalities renowned for their science and holiness. Ahmadou Bamba founded the Mouride brotherhood in 1883, with its capital in Touba, Senegal. Today, Touba serves as the location of the sub-Saharan Africa's largest mosque, which was built by the Mourides.

Ahmadou Bamba's teachings emphasized the virtues of pacifism, hard work and good manners through what is commonly known as Jih?du nafs which emphasizes a personal struggle over "negative instincts." As an ascetic marabout who wrote tracts on meditation, rituals, work, and Quranic study, he is perhaps best known for his emphasis on work and industriousness.

Bamba's followers call him a mujaddid ("renewer of Islam"), citing a hadith that implies that God will send renewers of the faith every 100 years (the members of all the Senegalese brotherhoods claim that their founders were such renewers).[citation needed]

Abdoul Ahad Mbacke, the third Caliph (Mouride leader) and son of Ahmadou Bamba, declared that Ahmadou Bamba had met the prophet Muhammad in his dreams, a tale that has become an article of faith for Mouride believers. During the month of Ramadan 1895, Muhammed and his companions appeared to him in a dream in Touba to confer upon him the rank of mujaddid of his age,[8] and to test his faith. From this, Bamba is said to also have been conferred the rank of "Servant of the Prophet."

He founded the city of Touba in 1887. In one of his numerous writings, Matlabul Fawzeyni (the quest for happiness in both worlds), Bamba describes the purpose of the city, which was intended to reconcile the spiritual and the temporal.[citation needed]

Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke. was Born, 1853 in Mbacke, Kingdom of Baol (modern Senegal) and Died, 1927 (aged 73–74). Touba, French Senegal, French West Africa

After his death in 1927, he was buried in Touba at a site he had chosen, adjacent to the future location of The Grand Mosque. He was succeeded by his descendants as hereditary leaders of the brotherhood with absolute authority over the followers. Currently, Serigne Mountakha Mbacké is the Khalifa-General, Ahmadou Bamba's oldest living grandson who holds the brotherhood's highest office.

So sisters brothers friends and elders, tomorow we will be described Biography of Turkic poet and Sufi Ahmad Yasawi Qoja Ahmet Iasaui. Allah hafiz


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