Addicted or Homeless In Seatle

5 months ago

If you ever wondered what it's like to lose control with a street addiction for homeless people.
Some say it is a choice for no responsibilities.
But the NWO and rise of New Atlantean brainchip refusals... these numbers may soon rise.

The Masonic NWO A.i. worshipers who rule Western civilization are hard at work destroying the old freedoms. Authorities will demand that you comply to their NWO or go homeless. They plan to steal away your birth-rights since their AI fake-god has already taken over world governance. Oh, you haven't figure them out, yet? That is why I say "soon."

The sheeple are in their NWO trap and the Luciferians have all the positions of old-world-order authority like politics, police, corporations, food transport, food sales, etc.,

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