Directed energy weapons used to start fires and destroyed Homes

5 months ago

Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed
StopTheCrime-net - Feb 28, 2018

WARNING GRAPHIC? DEW used on People BURNED ALIVE in Cars trying to Escape from Paradise CA Destroyed by Fire

A watchman report; Wars and rumors of wars - 10-14-2017

NWO - Donald J. Trump The Role Of A Lifetime - A Documentary

Consuelo Barrow - Everyone of the Rothschild family members need to be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity.

Comment: Scott Tyler from the UK - 8-26-2020
Bless you Brother Joseph Skinner for speaking truth!!!!...the world is babylon!!!!.......blessings from the uk.........the flesh is nothing but but an illusion - the biggest illusions ever created - OUR FATHER is no respecter of man.....flesh is inherently evil...............we need to come away from the world and the system built up by the beast......this earth belongs to satan!!!!

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