Wednesday Evening Bible Study Jeremiah 23-24 9-25-2024

14 days ago

Jeremiah 23 deals with the sins of unrighteous leaders and false prophets. It also has some Messianic verses that speak about the Messiah, the Branch of David coming to rule in righteousness.
Chapter 24 presents a vision from God to Jeremiah. He saw two baskets of figs; one was filled with good figs, good for eating. The other was filled with bad figs that were too bad to eat. These figs represented the two groups of people in Southern Judah. The good figs were about the Jews who would be taken captive to Babylon and live. The bad figs represented those who would not go captive to Babylon and tried to stay or run away to Egypt. But God knows and sees all, and He will bring judgment upon those who do not follow His instruction through Jeremiah to go to Babylon.

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