Liberty Defined | Part 1 - LIVESTREAM BEGINS AT 8:00 PM EST

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In Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom, Ron Paul provides his libertarian perspective on a wide array of political, social, and economic topics. Each chapter focuses on one specific issue, with Paul emphasizing limited government, individual liberty, and non-interventionist policies. Here’s a list of the 50 issues he addresses:

1. Abortion
2. Assassination
3. Bailouts
4. Capital Punishment
5. Civil Disobedience
6. Conscription
7. Corporate Welfare
8. Currency
9. Debt
10. Democracy
11. Discrimination
12. Education
13. Elections
14. Environment
15. Espionage
16. Family
17. Federal Reserve
18. Foreign Aid
19. Free Speech
20. Globalism
21. Gold
22. Government Surveillance
23. Gun Control
24. Habeas Corpus
25. Health Care
26. Housing
27. Immigration
28. Inflation
29. Iraq War
30. Israel
31. Labor Laws
32. Legalizing Drugs
33. Military Draft
34. Monetary Policy
35. Monopolies
36. National Service
37. Nationalism
38. NATO
39. Nullification
40. Occupational Licensing
41. Patriotism
42. Personal Liberty
43. Private Property
44. Prohibition
45. Religion
46. Secession
47. Social Security
48. State Sovereignty
49. Taxation
50. Terrorism

Each chapter of the book dives into one of these issues, offering Paul’s libertarian insights on how each impacts personal liberty and the role of government.

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