Elijah Streams - Amanda Grace - The Great Scramble Has Begun - Captions

5 months ago

In this prophetic message, Kelsey O'Malley shares a word from Amanda Grace, who received it two days before a significant event unfolded. The message warns of a sharp maneuver in the government, the exposure of high places, and the need for the church to cleanse itself of perversion and permissiveness. The word also speaks of upcoming upheaval in Switzerland, France, Germany, Egypt, and Lebanon, with a call for revival in France and the rise of a Jewish man in Egypt to restrain potential conflict in the Middle East. It's a powerful and timely message with significant implications for the nations mentioned.

Amanda further addresses various issues such as events unfolding in Lebanon, natural phenomena, political upheaval, and spiritual warfare. She encourages believers to stay strong and anchored in the word of God, and she prays for healing and breakthrough for those watching. Amanda also shares where people can follow her ministry and stay connected with upcoming events.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was published on 08-15-2024 and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v5b21kz

Kelsey O’Malley will be interviewing Amanda Grace on August 15 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Amanda will be discussing sharp maneuvers for the highest seats in the land, high places being torn down, phenomenons in nature, and more! Please join us this Thursday with Amanda Grace!

You connect with Amanda at https://arkofgrace.org/

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Hey everyone and welcome to Elijah Streams. Today's Thursday, August 15th, 2024. I'm your host, Kelsey O'Malley. Filling in for Steve Schultz. And I am so thankful to be with all of you today. I hope you're having a great Thursday. I'm also thankful to be hosting Amanda Grace. She has 16 prophetic words from the Lord that she's going to be sharing with us today. The Lord's touching on different states within our nation, different nations around the world, the church, and so much more. But before I bring on Amanda, we want to thank you again so much for partnering with us as we dig water wells all across Ug anda. Thank you so much for your generosity. And there's just so much joy in that video. And I can't even imagine when they cut the ribbon on the new well. is that people celebrating and it's all because of you partnering with us. And I know God is smiling up in heaven as he's providing fresh clean water through you, through me, through Elijah Stream. So again, may you be blessed, may the Lord bless your family. If you feel led to give today, you can go online to Elijah Streams.com slash donate or you can mail in your gift to the address on the screen. And I just pray that the Lord continues to multiply the wells over and over again. And the kingdom of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to be spread through this as well. So thank you so much. I'm excited about today's show. My guest is the founder of Ark of Grace Ministries. She is an itinerant speaker. She's been on the ReAwaken America Tour. She also loves animals so very much. And I joked last time and said, if anything fits through the door, she's going to let it in. And then she said, even if it doesn't fit through the door, we're still going to let it in. So please help me welcome my guest today, Amanda Grace. Welcome back to the show, Amanda. I'm still waiting for the picture on Facebook of the elephant or the giraffe to come into the Ark. Oh, you're so cute, Kelsey. Yes, I'm just I'm just my husband is praying against it. And it's going on right now. Now, I, you know what, I'm open to what the Lord wants to send even if it's I did, you know, mention a monkey. My husband got upset at that. And like why he could ride Cyrus all day, Cyrus all day, and it'll be fine. And so, you know, it's interesting what the Lord sends. And when he sends it, because many times it's prophetic, what he sends the order he sends and how he sends it. Yeah, because we're talking, you had some, some animals pass away, which I'm so sorry for your loss of your babies. Give us kind of an update on who went to be home and have been you know, that's one of the hardest parts of having a sanctuary is these animals come in and not great shape. And sometimes the Lord sends them because they're in their end of life. And they just need to be loved and they need to be fought for and they, and you know, you just need somebody there. And so diesel went home to be with the Lord. We did fight for diesel. I mean, my conscience is clear. I did every doctor cook said to me, Amanda, you did more for this horse than anybody would have ever thought to do. And that really touched them to see that. And I had put my to lead on diesel. And what happened was Dr. Cook had called me and told me diesel collapsed and his heart stopped, but they were able to revive him, but then he had a seizure. And he says, you're not even going to make it. You're not even going to make it in time. And so I just promised him that he would hold him and that he would love him. So his whole team gathered around diesel. And they loved him and they were all there with him when they had to put him down. And he left the to lead on diesel that I had put on diesel till diesel was came to be picked up. They left that to lead on him. And that to lead went with him. And so that was something very special that the doctor had said that we're going to leave the to lead on diesel. And so diesel was not well when we took him. So, you know, we had him about four months, basically. And then three months after, after not three months, three days after they tried to assassinate president Trump, Moses are pass over lamb passed away suddenly. So you know, the depth of that Moses was born on Passover. He was rejected by his mother. He was a Passover lamb. Biblically speaking, Passover lambs are meant to die in the place of somebody else. And three days after that attempt happened, Moses suddenly passed away. We did do life-saving measures. We called our vet, Dr. Angel happened to be on that night. Dr. Angel is the one who came. Dr. Angel was the one who was there with us. Dr. Angel's the one who said Moses is going to be with the Lord. You know, so because he's a believer. And so that was that was heart wrenching for me. Yeah. It was very sudden. And he was very young. He was almost three years old. And why didn't know he was so young? Very young. As an idiot, I had problems since, you know, we had taken him in, you know, on and off. But, yep, but he was almost three years old. And he went home to be with the Lord. And Donay was so cute. She said to me, don't worry, Amanda, my father will take care of them. Oh, that's beautiful. He said that to me. Yeah. Oh, that's so sweet. And your other animals are getting their trucking right along, right? Because we, I know we have some updates on your animals. Oh, wait. Did you put, God has put a city of Italian in this situation? I don't know if he wanted comedy. I'm not sure what he was thinking, but it definitely is comedy. So I think we have, let me pull up some pictures or that have the team pull up some pictures. I think the first one is, oh, little friends. This is the meeting of Esther and Cyrus. So isn't that interesting? So, so prophetically, that's important as well. But this is the meeting of Esther and Cyrus. Now she's running around the house and Cyrus is trying to hurt her. So basically he's trying to protect her and maneuver her and do all sorts of things and his paws are enormous. Hi, Missy. She might come in. Esther, you might see her come in because she's running around the house right now. So, oh, my. Now Esther was found abandoned in a heating duct. So this is how we got an emergency call for her Cyrus. Cyrus has now come to join them. We want to come up. Come here. Oh, she's so big. Amanda. I'm going to get it away. Cyrus, come on. Come on. Good thing. Hi. Okay. There you go. All right. There he is. Okay. There's. I'm so big. I keep you. Easy, enormous. Oh, my. So, it's like having a small horse running through the house. You hear him and it's like, but he absolutely loves the Lester. And so I named her Esther because we had a mortica because we have the little Quaker parent mortica. Yes. So now we had named her Esther. And she's living up to her name for sure. So, she's a, she's a princess. Sorry. Yeah. We're up to her name for sure. So, yeah, this is what we were getting them used to each other. And they were in the getting to know you face he's very good with animal Cyrus. I have to say for shepherds incredible with all of our animals here. He did last week though, which was kind of funny. He was outside with the tortoise. And he wanted to see what the tortoise is shell was made of and he very gently put his mouth on the shell to see what it was. And I gave him a timeout for that because I would girls that. But he did do that last week so they do landticks, but they're running around the house together now. Oh, that's so cute. All right. Who's our who's our next animal here? Archie. Archie came from Georgia when he was a baby. And he will also showed up close to Passover, lost on someone's property. Did he just get a haircut? He did get sheared again. So, they got sheared in the spring and he got sheared again just to keep him cool right now in the summer. So, yep, he just got his shearing again. Is he doing okay? Archie is very healthy. So, Archie has never had. I feel like he misses. Yes. Okay. Yes. She's not. She per her animals. They want to be with other sheep. So, you know, we'll see what the Lord does with that and how he remedies that because basically, you know, he will see who the Lord sentence. But if he does send another male sheep, I'm going to name him Joshua because Joshua came after Moses. Yeah, or maybe he'll send the elephant a man. Maybe he'll send the elephant and we can do a naming contest. Yes. Yes. Yes. I would love to. What am I going to do? Ride the elephant down the driveway to get the male. I'll have the state troopers. Listen, when you have your dinners though, when you have your um, the parties or the dinner parties where you invite people over, elephant rides would totally, I mean, it couldn't be black tie a tie or but elephant rides would be a great fun activity. Well, they would be. They would be an amazing attraction. So basically, if an elephant comes, we're just going to have to make room somehow. We're just going to have to build an enormous heated house and, you know, do some other things for as the elephant grows and we'll have, we'll just have to deal with it. So pray for my husband and his sanity because if this happens, I might have to call Bellevue. I don't know what else to do. But animals though, he'll learn to love them. Who does that? I love them. This is Vicksby. So he is one of our six cats at the sanctuary. He was abandoned as a baby. That's how we got him. And he is one of the most loving, sweet nature cats that we have. And he's a goof. As you can see, he's an apple wolf. Oh, so cute. Oh, yeah, there she is. The woman of the hour. That's blossom. She's our only female miniature horse. And right. You can tell she's goofing off right there. She got an amazing personality. She's got, she's got two friends that are boys in there with her. And she's the only girl. And she really is. She's very sweet nature. Blossom, you know, very curious, great disposition. That is one of our Muscovie ducks. So we have happy flipper and Jerry. So basically, Muscovie's are native to Key West in South America. And the area is probably, you know, you know, traveling to those areas. That's where you're going to see them out in the wild. And so they do not quack. The males hiss, the females chirp. So these ducks are very intelligent. They can be trained. I, I, Jake are first. I had him trained. So they're very, very smart animals. And they can live up to 15 plus years. Wow. Oh, here is hope and faith getting their daily bath. So basically, faith, especially the all white, the one that doesn't have the dark on the nose. To my right, probably to your left, but to my right, she has to get daily soakings because her feet are splayed. So she's disabled in the back. And she didn't come from a great situation. And so basically, she came like this. And so every day she got to get so because of bottom rubs on the ground. And bunnies go potty a lot. So basically, she's got to get cleaned every day. Yeah. Yeah. Why our team? Yeah. Oh, this is Gabriel getting a cookie and a snack from one of our sanctuary staff. So he is a flamish giant rabbit. They are the largest breed of rabbits on the planet. Wow. The largest, but they can get like this big. Some of them. I mean, they can get enormous. You could teach them to go in litter boxes. You could go potty. It's, you know, it's a whole thing. People take, you have them like cats and dogs in their house. I think I've seen one of those at the fair one time. They just have these huge giant rabbits. And you're almost like, oh my gosh. How is that? Those are the three signs. Wow. Yes. And there is Gideon leading over one of our staff members, shoulders. And Gideon is incredibly curious. Love's people. So really loves people. Very curious. All three of them came from Amish country. So basically, they were rescued from going to breeders. Okay. So I got the call. Can you intervene? Can you take them? And so basically that's what, and there are some Amish people that treat their animals wonderful. You know, and there is some that don't just like, you know, any, any other part of them, you know, United States in the world. So basically, that's where they came from. This is Grace. Grace is a handful. I love Grace. She's beautiful. But Grace is an alpha. Okay. She's an alpha horse. So she wants to be in charge. And so basically, Grace is going to be getting, we're going to be putting Grace and Prince together because Prince is a much, you know, older male. And so we're hoping that will, that will temper her ways a bit. As far as, you know, wanting to get a little feisty and things of that nature. But she's a great horse. She is, she was a performance horse. She came from, you know, high end to Questrian, you know, wow, things of that nature. And she was retired early because of an injury. And so basically, then she was given to us by a woman that has a farm in new pulse. And so she had Grace. And so she kept Charlotte for us for a while when I had a rescue Charlotte emergency. And she sent Grace with us. Oh, and that's Mr. Pete trying to find a girlfriend. I don't know how else to say it. This is why peacocks males put out their feathers. They are looking for ladies. And so he's basically looking to look at the feathers to hero and hand, running around somewhere on the property. So you have more than just one peacock. We have three. Yep. We have a oh my God in Hannah. And they were taught by our staff to free roam. So they stay on our property and then they get locked up at night. Today make really loud noises. They sound like a car horn in the spring. That's it. Then just for your own fun. Look up on YouTube. Male peacock calls. I thought they were super loud. They are. They are. And he if he sees his own reflection in the bumper of an older vehicle, he will attack the bumper. Oh, my God. Another male peacock. You're like, don't put mirrors anywhere while the property you can't because he'll think it's another male and he'll just, you know, start pecking and pecking and pecking. Oh, that's so cute. That's no way he got an upgrade to his pool and his indoor dwelling. So basically our staff made this for him. He can climb in and out of the pool and will. And so basically the water gets clean daily because obviously he drags a lot of the, you know, turf in that we have in there for him. And so basically he loves it though. He goes in and he soaks. He's got one outside also when he goes outside. And so yeah, they like water. So tortoises, so cottas, you know, they do like to soak in water. They have a good at your house. He had the pool inside a pool. Yep. In fact, our dog Toby tried to give him a correction yesterday and I hadn't run an intervene. And and called Toby off because Noah was trying to break out of the fence. And Toby knows it's not right. And he's incessantly barking at Noah just incessantly trying to move him. And I had he he worked himself into a tizzy. He was like open mouth breathing for 10 minutes when I brought him inside. He just worked himself up trying to stop Noah from doing this thing. Tattle tailing on him. He's leaving. He's leaving. Up there's the mayor noble son meeting doing what he does best. So he likes to sunbathe noble. And so basically that's what he's doing right now. He's hanging out in the hay. Oh, Is that okay? And that we there we have it. That's a wrap. Even though that's not even probably what? How like one third of your crew of our crew. Oh yeah. We've got him anymore. We're we're gonna figure out. I don't know. We'll figure out something like a roll call for them or something. Yeah. All right Amanda. Thank you for the update. And again, we're sorry about your baby. But we know we know where they are. So I know that makes it a little bit easier when we all lose animals and because they're like part of the family. Yeah. They give us peace though knowing that they're with the Lord. And we'll see him again one day. And like Don I said, my dad will take care him. And they're taking care of diesel and Moses. So yes, I love it. All right. Well, why don't you pray and open us up and then jump right into your words. Okay. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, by the spirit of the one true living God, may only the truth and power of Almighty God with authority now come forth, Lord and Jesus name, Father, allow us the humble privilege of being vessels of your power. Thank you, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen. And good. So I have to preface this word. The Lord gave me this word two days before the assassination attempt. Okay. So you're going to see some things in this word. Mm-hmm. Because in was July 11th that I received this. Wow. And released it. Okay. All right. So it begins, all capital praise honor and glory be to the Lord of hosts, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the righteous judge who sits on the highest throne. His glory encompasses his throne and pours it into the earth that his will may be accomplished. The Lord goes forth strong and mighty and has come forth from his holy habitation and to his kingdom, there is no capital end. Okay. And the spirit of the Lord says this day, the pressure has increased my children. The boiling over has begun. You're going to notice the terminology he's using in here, you know, with this days before what happened happen amongst pressure, there is a release that's capital says the Lord. However, only when the pressure is released by an act of lifting or removing a covering says the Lord, this is moments away from happening. Wow. This is what he says. This is moments away from happening my children. This is the precipice. This is the crucial hour of switches and swaps and flops as the great scramble has begun. Isn't that true? Yep. And this was two days before. All of this happened. So like because a week after Biden resigns, yeah, it was wolf to swap bait and switch. Yeah. And so this yeah, so this was like, you know, two days before all of these events started. Wow. There is a great scramble in panic as they have caught themselves in their own nets as the Lord. The pit that they have dug for others has caught and ensnared them says the Lord. For they are not contending with the man says the Lord. They are not mocking man says the Lord. They are contending with me. We're all hello heam. This is all capital effort. They are mocking and challenging my capital sovereignty says the Lord. They are mocking the very existence of what I, the Lord of place had in place since the earth began says the Lord. Wow. I, the Lord God speak and it is. I am capital says the Lord. They are a vapor says the Lord, a vapor. And that is what their twisted heinous plan shall now turn into a vapor before their very eyes. So Lord say right there was going to be foiled. What they were going to attempt was going to be foiled. Yes. So and thank you Lord. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. America has strayed. Yes, America has chased after the bales. It has chased after the Gods of greed, power and indulgence says the Lord. America and its defiance decided they capital had a better way. Man decided they capital had a better way says the Lord. And this better way had embedded in it the chains of hell and slavemen bondage perversion blasphemy, pride and rebellion. And such took over America to the highest seats. And yes, I the Lord allowed it. I allowed it for a full capital display to project across your nation to see the wickedness in all its ugliness that the people of your nation may see what lurks under every foul stench of agendas and talking points and plans and bills and strategies says the Lord. Yes, so true. Obviously, but yes, I mean, without all the exposure, there is no way because for how many years was everything hidden and covered. And now most people you talked after like, I'm not watching the news. I'm not reading that. That's not true. I mean, it's like you've never seen before. No, no, it's not. And it is. It's allowing all of the stench in all its ugliness to come out. Yep. Well, so it's not concealed anymore. It's not perfume. It's not bandated. It's none of that. You're going to see it in all its ugliness so you can't say, will I? No. Yes. You know, to which we're thankful, even though it's hard to have to see all the trip because it's so evil. Amanda, it's so evil, but it's it's hard to see because it's so evil. And you get up. I mean, I have to keep myself from getting righteous anger when I see certain things because it's just so the enemy is so wicked. But I'm thankful that we know now because I had no clue before 2020. Any of the things that now I know I had no idea. Yep. You know, I'll tell you, Italians are great at righteous anger. We're hard, wired for it. Maybe I'm part of telling you. I'm going to tell you that. Okay. And says the Lord of hosts Isaiah wrote in the year King Uzziah died. I saw the Lord high and lifted. That's capitals up. And the train of Israel filled the temple. That's capital, the holy place. Uzziah was causing a spiritual block in the land of Israel. His actions capital caused events to occur that caused the temple to be unclean and a nation to suffer. When King Uzziah was removed says the Lord that block lifted the bondage broke. However, the people still needed to turn says the Lord. So I'll explain what all this means because what was being said here because when Uzziah went into the temple, he did a rebellious thing. He tried to do the priest job. Okay. And so he was struck with leprosy for it. And there were a bunch of priests that opposed him to try to stop him and he refused to listen. Very pridefully refused and he was struck with leprosy. So his son Jotham had to rule for him. Jotham did not remove the high places from the land, which caused the people to go to the high places and sacrifice, which laid the groundwork and the nation for a has, which caused Israel completely to turn. So that one thing, what happened with Uzziah caused a chain reaction for all of this. And because what Uzziah did in the temple, that's why Isaiah is saying when the, in the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord because that, that failed that had come over the nation from that. Wow. And they lifted and it was, and Isaiah was able to see the Lord. So that's why he's saying what he's saying. I never thought, I've read that scripture so many times, man, I've never thought about why, but everything is in the, in the word that is specifically there for a reason. So why did he mention in the year King Uzziah died? Well, now I know why because he was able to see the Lord. Yes. There was a something broke over the land where Isaiah was evil. Yes. Yeah. And then he died and then Isaiah saw the Lord. Yes. And as I didn't start out as a bad king, he was actually followed in the ways of the Lord till he got, you know, prideful and rebellious and did this thing in the temple. That's a big no no, you know, and then in second chronicles 28 when A has comes to power, he's 20 years old and he reigns for 16 years and he didn't do right in the side of the Lord at all. They said, so he did not do right at all in the side of the Lord. He walked in the way of the Kings of Israel and even made cast images for the bells. He burned incense in the valley of Ben Hannon and burned his sons as an offering and a Corinth with the repulsive acts of the pagan nation to the Lord had driven out before the sons of Israel. So all of that paved the way for A has. Wow, he burned his own sons. Yes. Oh my gosh. It caused, he caused Israel to and why? Because when Jotham met to rule because of what Uzziah did, Jotham didn't take away the high places. Yes, he supervised. He allowed the people to still go sacrifice at the high places and that ended up you know, opening a door that was brought to what we see in second chronicles 28. Because there's a ripple effect for our actions. I mean, that's for us today as well as we serve the Lord. Amen. You know, especially for for leaders of nations as well. There is always a ripple effect. Good or bad? Yes. The leaders of nations. Okay. Oh, America, change your direction says the Lord. Oh, Eagle, turn from your direction and reroute because of the treachery ahead. Says the Lord. Be ready and alert says the Lord. Be sober-minded in this hour for the desperation has mounted that the most outlandish destructive heinous act shall be attempted. So he's warning it right here. The Lord is warning the time we're about to enter. Shall be attempted to hold on to a platform that has now become dry sand and is crumbling piece by piece in this hour. America is in the valley says the Lord. Yes, it is a valley of decision. However, it is also a valley of dryness of lawlessness. And I am your shepherd. Oh, America, that's capital. I, the Lord, your God, am your shepherd. If you stay in this valley, you will stagnate and fall. In this hour, there must be a great push of faith to get through such a valley for the pressure system in such is causing nothing to grow and a decaying of what is. So these are strong words two days before. Yep. It started to unfold. Yes. The words, the Lord. Yes. Okay. Thus, the alert. Yes, be ready and alert. You see right there. It's right that he says it right there. Be ready and alert. Hold on. I'm going to it. America, you go. Yes, be ready and alert says the Lord be sober-minded in this hour. Now, he's making a reference to scripture. Right? Be sure. He's reminded in vigilance because then a me roams about like a lion seeking whom he made the vowar. So he's warning of this. He's pointing at that scripture in that on July 11th when he gave this word. That's what he's pointing at. Yes. Okay. I know interesting. God knew. God knew. He knew. And you know, this was one of two words. The other one was the political background word that I talked about last time. America must prepare for the enormous political background. That's about to happen. So all this terminology within a month, you know, the love to it is interesting. Thus says the Lord, the government, the highest seats in your nation are about to make a very capital sharp maneuver. Now, this is July 11th, that those of both parties shall look on in shock. As this sharp maneuver shall cause a derailment and tracks to break and wheels to lose their security and fall off says the Lord. We also that happened. Yes. Yes. Yep. And both parties were in shock. Democrats were in shock. Republicans were in shock. Yep. Okay. I, the Lord, raise kings up and I bring them low and I, the Lord will not capital be challenged by men thinking they can circumvent me. That's capital. Almighty God and keep their seats. For in this hour, you have attempted to challenge and ascend in equality to the throne of Almighty God in your delusion and puffed up grandeur, you have thought such. You have thought as well. Oh, judge, who sits on the Supreme Court that you will be the one who flips and sabotages would either Lord have set out to do. And there shall be a hard capital correction for such says the Lord for you have made deals in the dark and have been lured into such and your foot is one step away from the trap closing, you losing your footing and falling off your seat. Now that part is going to happen. So we're waiting for that part because he's talking about Supreme Court judge. Do you know which one? I have, I have two ideas, one's a man, one's a woman. Okay. I do. I have, I have, you know, a couple of, you know, ideas in mind when it comes to this, you know, it might be, you see, he says you'll be the one who flips and sabotages. So it leads me to believe it's somebody that initially was conservative. Okay. Because I don't think someone, a liberal flipping to conservative is going to, you know, you see what I'm saying? Yeah. Having more conservative ways is going to sabotage necessarily, but I think the other way around would for sure. Well, we're going to keep an eye out for that because it's an eye out. Because that's like one of the next things potentially to happen here in the order that this, you know, has gone. Okay. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, the high places says the Lord, how they have attempted to claim territory in this time, you shall begin to see these high places fall in unusual and unexpected ways. For my power, capital shall tear them down says the Lord in ways that will shock the nation and cause those in their corruption to become very uneasy as such occurs. Okay. Thus says the Lord, the church is being measured on my capital, righteous scales and wait in this time. Many who call themselves shepherds are attempting to publicly justify what they have done in the dark, how they have turned on natural feelings and lust have developed because of such perversion, they let claim their podiums and their seats. Perversion and permissiveness have taken the seats of shepherd and judge within the church says the Lord. I, the Lord, have given time, I have given mercy. And you know better says the Lord, that's capital. Your fathers gave you a righteous and secure foundation and you and your papas thinking and philosophical exploits have desecrated that foundation. You have desecrated the altar of the Lord with strange spirits and strange sacrifice and unnatural sounds that are ascension, my nostril says the Lord. This says the Lord shall be exposed and cleaned out. For many churches have become a sanctuary for demons and devils and a place to hatch their agendas and have the church promote them enough says the Lord enough that's capitalized. Rectification in this time says the Lord. Correction in this time, it is time says the Lord. To move on from the dysfunction, it cannot swirl around you any longer and create disorderly effects in your lives. This says the Lord must be cleansed as well. This is such a good word and a lot of people need it to hear that. Yeah, crazy. Because their churches and are making decisions and their leaders within their churches are opening up their churches and I saw one clip the other day of a, I don't, I think it was a Methodist church where they were coming out as as the man, the gentleman had makeup on. Yeah. Yeah. And so you can't sit under, you can't be there anymore. You can't sit under that. No. I mean, you have to get out. This is, this is the Lord confirming that to you. If you're sitting under a place where there is mixture within the church, the Lord's telling you right now, okay, you need to step away from that because judgment's coming. You don't want to be part of that. No, and the other thing I think the Lord is is explaining here is that when you let enough perversion and permissiveness into your pulpit, that spirit can attach to the shepherd. And suddenly that shepherd is having unnatural feelings. Wow. Because all they have done is permitted, you know, and enabled, you know, and sympathize to the point of allowing it so close to them that it could actually attach to them for their destruction. Yep, a little leaven ruins the whole lump. And that is, that is so true. And that's a powerful word from the Lord. Very powerful. And you know, nobody's perfect. The Lord doesn't choose perfect people, but he expects obedience and submission. Yes. And you can't, and Ziya was a perfect example of that. Ozziah at some point rebelled and decided I'm going to do my own thing. And I can, and I can just, you know, do whatever I want in the eyes of God and get away with it. And I don't have to follow in order. And look what happened. So we see a lot of that going on right now. Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay. Sadies on my desk, public service announcement everyone, the cat is on my desk. I'm going to try to keep her, her tail off. You heard from walking on your keyboard. God help me. Okay. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, watch Switzerland in this hour, watch France as more upheaval and a deep excavation of their government and ruling practices, shall bring forth devastation to that country. Call on to me, the Lord God, old people of France, in an hour, your own government is attempting to rob you. And you have allowed it with your progressiveness and liberal, one ton ways says the Lord revival shall hit France says the Lord, renewal and revival shall break out in France in New Zealand says the Lord, watch Germany as they make a very capital sharp move that will shake up Europe says the Lord. I'm waiting to see what this is. Yeah, because Germany is going to do something. Yes, that's good with that oil of Europe is going to you know, yep, it's going to shake them up a bit. Whatever, whatever Germany does, it's going to shake up Europe. Well, I'm thankful that the Lord saying revival sitting France and how many times Amanda have we seen when countries and even cities and places when they're at a low, a low, a low, the spirit of God comes to revive. Yes, and a lot of times in the hardest times that we walk through, we are the most open to God. We are at the times we're crying out Lord help us. And you see the spirit of God come and revive cities and nations in those times. So it's like the worst of times. But yet spiritually, the best of times. Yes, a tale of two cities. Yep, a tale of two cities. Now I will tell you this, the joy of the Lord, the justice of Yahweh, God's righteous justice and judgment from his throne is going to hit the leadership of France. And that's what's going to free revival. That is going to hit the leadership of France after what the leadership of France just pulled as well with the Olympics and everything else they have done. The joy of the Lord is set to hit France. Praise God. Well to hit their leadership. Yeah. Okay. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, watch Egypt says the Lord and Lebanon in this time for a Jewish man shall be raised up in Egypt to be positioned for such a time where Egypt must be restrained or there shall be a triangular war in the Middle East says the Lord. Now that's all moving into position right now. We're watching this happen real time. Wow. Lebanon says the Lord. Oh Lebanon, you harbor what is not of me says the Lord. You harbor those who claim they serve me. However, serve a very capital false. That's capital and bloodthirsty ruler of the darkness that is not God. It is not that's capital. It is the bales and the moles who have cloaked themselves as such says the Lord. They have clothed themselves. Your conscience is seared and Lebanon has gone the way of Cain attempting to kill Abel because Abel was favored by me. The Lord God Almighty. El Shaddai. You have gone such a way and now the grace has thinned and the hour of judgment and correction is upon you for sake your Gods and call on the name of Jesus. So people have leaven on the roots of Lebanon will be left for the younger to be rebuilt says the Lord. So if Lebanon does not stop allowing Hezbollah and terrorists to attack Israel Lebanon will be brought to rooms. This is Wow. They have to stop. They're not helping themselves. They're hurting themselves. They're hurting their people. Yes. You know, I mean, and should we when when words like this come Amanda, because I'm always thinking, well, there must be a remnant in Lebanon like how do we pray? Do we pray that I mean, how do we pray for something like this when the Lord says something like this? What I especially for the believers. Well, of course, because there is a remnant in Lebanon. Of course, there are believers you pray for their protection right now. And that and that they get the ear of officials in the land because these officials, what they should be doing is saying the next one to fire or rocket is getting one dropped on them. You're going to stop. This is what the leadership of Lebanon should be doing right now. Right. You know, because they're allowing Hezbollah and I was at the border between Israel Lebanon. You wouldn't believe how close it is. I mean, I saw rocket travel and they have these cute little villages that look like villages and they're not there's not pile of weapons by Hezbollah. And I saw it. I looked right down in Israel on the Hezbollah villages. They are dangerously close to the border of Israel. And Lebanon is allowing their country to be inserted into something that they really should be calling up Israeli intelligence and say, we'll tell you where every one of these guys is in our country just come and get them out, please. That this is what should be happening. It's not. Yeah. So Lebanon is right. Well, pray for the believers there. And we're the Lebanon. The Lord just protects them and moves the out of harm's way. Yes. Okay. Wow. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, phenomenon of nature, of land, of ocean, of weather will continue in such a year, says the Lord. I have one that I can tell you about. They will continue to such biblical capital events. And they are such says the Lord. And I shall continue to allow such to separate the people from that same spirit that ensnared them in Egypt says the Lord. It is being allowed to demonstrate my power. The earth is my capital footstool. And I, the Lord, do what I please because the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. That's capitalized. Okay. So I was caught in one of these plagues. Um, in a way, I was, we were safe. But I went to sit like, Lord, why am I here? We were in Rhode Island. Mm hmm. Okay. Near watch Hill on the beach. Mm hmm. Thousands of dragonflies out of nowhere swarm the beach. We were caught in a plague of dragonflies dragon. Now it's the year of the dragon in China. This is by no mistake, this is happening right now in this year. But I took pictures of it. I mean, fact, probably your team could look up the news article, biblical plague of dragonflies on Rhode Island Beach. Have you ever happened before? Is that a not happened before? They don't know where they came from. I was talking to the staff. They're like, we, they just showed up like we don't know where they came from. Thousands of them. Whizzing by me. Whizzing by Chris. Swerving. And I'm looking around going on in Egypt. I'm in Egypt right now. Like, you know, automatically think of the plagues. I mean, that's the first thing I would think of too like, and they called it a biblical plague in news articles. They called it a biblical plague. I thought, well, that's interesting because three out of the 10 plagues of Egypt were insects. Yes. So, but I, I went this to firsthand. I was there. Wow. So just because you're a believer, I mean, you might, things, you might be in the middle of something. You might have, but God won't get you through it. Yeah. You will. God has to not, one of them ran into us. Now, one of them, you know, did anything to us. They just kind of swarmed around us. And we just, I just witnessed it. Oh, my God. And I took pictures and you see these dragonflies whizzing by Chris's head. I'll show it next time. I come on. But like, you have all these dragonflies just flying by Chris's head. So we're, so here, I know you, you experience that. So when, when the the Lord says, phenomenon's of nature, yep, is that an example of something. Okay. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. Phenomenons of nature of land of ocean of weather will continue in such a year. So, and it was strange. It looked like they came off the ocean, the dragonflies. So it's looked like they literally came in from the ocean. Wow, which was very strange. Yes. It is strange. But I witnessed it. Oh, there they are. I was caught in that. Wow. Look at all of them. I wasn't kidding you. This is thousands. Oh, my God. And I was caught in the middle of that with Chris. Well, they were, they were in your beach day. That's the best. You're like, you may ruin my beach day. You're not ruining my joy. Yeah, exactly. But this, this happened in the past couple weeks. Best few weeks. Well, I wonder what I'm sure I could look it up, but the forecast for like the expected weather this year, like I know the hurricanes of Argybyn. There's another one forming now and it just might be a busy, busy year. The Lord is warning us of that. When there's a spiritual war that intensifies, you see it, you see the results of it in weather, you know, you know, with animals, with nature, there is groaning. Where the earth is groaning and crying out and you see this is the physical product of that. Wow. So I guess if you're, I would take this word and even for, for me, because I'm not right near the coast, but still, I mean, I'm, I'm going to be in serious prayer. If there's, if there's a storm or something coming our way, because to, to be led of the Lord, do I stay? Do I go Lord? What do we do? Yes, because, you know, this is a good time to seek the Lord wherever you live. If you're, if these storms are coming your way, seek the Lord. What should I do? Where should I go? Because he'll, he'll guide you and protect you and lead you. I mean, we in Ryan need to do that because, you know, it's when we get together and we pray, it's like, I want to know, Lord, what are you saying? What should we do? And, and you need to right now, because yeah, this groaning, there are things that are happening, you know, I mean, I was caught in a swarm of dragonflies, none of them touch me, none of them hurt me. Right. I witnessed it. But still, yes, you were in it. I was in it. So, so, sometimes you'll be in it, but the Lord will protect you. Yes. From, you know, from, from any harm. So, just remember that. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, a double fall within family lines, within party lines, falls in two, says the Lord, this you shall see for an emergency meeting has been called. Now, this is interesting, because this is July 11th. This word came. This is all from July 11th. All from July 11th. So, this is, I get this all two days before everything starts to unfold. Wow. I know, right? Yep. Okay. So, he says, this you shall see for an emergency meeting has been called in the elephants in the room, have sat with the most boastful of donkeys and developed an elaborate plan. They have moved to distract and switch. And both parties are involved. What do I think this means? That had they succeeded against President Trump. That would have been the distraction all over the media and they could have switched by now and nobody would care. Wow. This, they're planned, they're planned, got foiled. It did get foiled praise God, says the Lord, including those on high committees, says the Lord. Those two who have been in Congress the longest will fall because of such a meeting, says the Lord. For when they attempt, it shall hit a snag and tear before the people of the nation. And it shall be a crisis for both parties, says the Lord, both parties capital. Wow. That's true. That happened. That happened. I know it was wild that this two days before, and I'm wondering as I'm getting this word, because I ask, I've learned to ask questions later. Don't ask questions when I'm getting it. Just write with the Lord is telling you to write a man to don't ask the questions now. But when I got it, I went, Lord, what is going on? Something, some very serious events are about to unfold if I'm getting a word like this. Right. And it's like he's saying it's coming. It's immediate. It's, you know, now away from happening like that. Right. Terminology. He's using. Yes. And now you know why, obviously, you know, now we know why. I see a Reno holding that's unfolding. Okay. Stay in my capital. Truth says the Lord for another sifting is said to take place, both in the church and in leadership. My truth is your shield and buckler. Your faith is your shield. It is the gift of faith that must be activated in this hour. It must capital for a shall be a light in this valley. Idols were taken and destroyed in the Kidron Valley. And my work says the Lord. This is your Kidron Valley moment, America. Leadership, the church. Take your idols and destroy them in this valley and bring them to ash in order that you may stand on the hill for a shall be a very bumpy tumble off the hill of this nation says the Lord. A very public capital tumble in threes says the Lord off the hill in quotations. For that hill has been smeared and stained and littered with every detestable thing to me, where the saders dance and the jackals of wool circle, the hill is more like a death valley. It is not raised up. It has been brought very low. Interesting wording. What do you think he means on the three? Tumbles and threes. Now that's interesting. Right. It could be resignations and threes. You know, the administration. Well, we saw one. Yeah. We saw one. He's on the beach right now. He's on the beach. So he's on the beach. And he's on the beach in here. We physically went there. So we don't know who's running the country right now. We got this one on the beach and the other one gallivanting with the unique all over the United States of America. So I would love to know this same person who's always been running it. I take one. Yep. Yeah. Mr. American Tharrow himself. Okay. That's right. So and the hill, I believe he's talking about Washington, DC because Washington, DC is nicknamed the hill. So I think there's just okay. The White House shall be smeared with every charge and written upon it says the Lord for the charges are great and the scrolls are being positioned and that house shall shake their ground shall shake says the Lord. Their vegetation shall uproot and die for that ground has been cursed says the Lord curse. That's capital by those whose feet have touched that who operated or those whose feet that have touched that have operated in rebellion and witchcraft to keep their seats. Oh, first lady says the Lord. You have indeed dabbled and gone to the dark arts for such. Instead, it shall bring defeat says the Lord for the darkness does not have an answer or capitals for my words that go forth from my throne and are spoken into the earth. Well, we saw we see that then. Yep. That's come for pass. That's come to pass because they were they were you know they were forced to step down. It definitely was a coup but apparently she dabbled in some stuff to try to stay. That does not surprise me and it didn't work. So you know that's what happens when you play with that stuff. Yep. They play with fire. It really is. Yes. You're going to get burned. Okay. All capitals here. Yes, the justice of Yahweh, the joy is entering Washington, D.C., California, New York, Michigan, New Mexico, Kansas says the Lord. New Orleans shall be turned over says the Lord and the tables of the psychics and high priestess and money changers shall be turned over says the Lord for the time of your judgment and correction has come. So watch New Orleans. Praise the Lord because I'm thankful. I'm thankful and the churches there say amen. It needs to happen. I mean they're in the streets with psychic tables. And Talbot cards. You know, with all that demonic stuff. Yes, it is demonic. You cannot. I'm sorry. You can't. You cannot. You know, try to explain away those are familiar spirits that you're tampering with and they are nasty. And the fact I have a story about that that if we have time, I'll tell. Okay. I think interesting happened in Rhode Island that the Lord sent me on assignments and it was quite amazing what happened. Well, I'm telling Tal, okay. Okay. So two days before we leave Rhode Island, right? My husband's aid Gus comes out for two days just to help me with Chris. And so we're walking around where the shops are. And I see in front of one of the shops, Tarot card reader from 12 to eight. So the Lord says to me, don't go in there today. And I said, okay, because I really want to go talk to the shop owner and maybe you know what I mean? Plant a seed. Yes. The Lord knows me not to go in that day. So two days later, before we go to leave, the Lord tells me, no, I want you to go in there. So here I go on a mission right now. Now it's kind of funny. Chris didn't want to come. He stayed in the room, but the shop was was literally I don't know a minute walking distance from the room. It wasn't that far. So Gus follows me though. He's like, I want to see what's going to happen. So, so Gus follows me. And the Lord tells me to go into the shop. And I go in there and I'm thinking, okay, if I buy something, I have more time to talk to the to the shop owner. So I find two shirts and I go and I put them down and I said to the shop owner, you know, I was going to come in a couple days ago, but you had a sign that said, Tarot card reader from 12 to eight. She goes, oh, did that freak you out? I said, no, actually, I'm in ministry. And I know where Tarot card readers get their information from and they get them from something called familiar spirits. And they are nasty and they don't play nice. And she said, oh, really? And I said, yes, and we're talking and all of a sudden the Lord says to me, you see that woman behind you? And there was a woman with a cane older woman. Uh huh. She had a beautiful blouse and a piece of candy she was going to buy. You see her behind you. I want you to pay for what she has. So I'm like, okay, so I turn around, right? I go, I'm going to stop on her. Excuse me. Turn to the woman. And I said, hello, ma'am, you know, I, you know, we have, we have a ministry and we do this for people. And I would really just like to bless you. And I would like to buy you that blouse and that candy. And she was shocked. Well, the shop owner looked like a deer in headlights because she said that woman is my mother. Uh, that woman is my mother. And so I brought her mom up and I was telling them, well, when the Lord tells me to do something, I have learned to obey the voice of the Lord and the Lord has instructed me to do this and I'm going to do this. And so I basically paid for her things, you know, and, you know, you know, say, God bless you guys, you know, thank you. And I walk out and guss yells, that was awesome because the war drew a dividing line in that shop. Yes, amen. And our card readers operate and how somebody prophetically operates when they hear the voice of God. Because I didn't know that was her mother. I've never seen this shop owner. I have never got into the shop to be honest with you. This was the first time I did. So in the last different topic conversation and turn it off in a paper in the woman's things, that was showing her right there, the difference between what she welcomed in and the voice of the Lord and his instruction instructor that should be in that shop. Yes, that's amazing. That's amazing. And that's real life ministry and a lot of times, I mean, there's so many key points in your story that you could teach off of, you know, you waited until the Lord said to go, he said, don't go and how you waited. And then right when he said that, you turned around, I mean, all of those things are like God setups for that woman, you know, and that's why we never stopped praying for people either, even if they own a tarot card shop, don't stop praying for your loved ones that are caught up in new age or caught up in another religion because you never know the day, the Lord's going to send in a minister or you or I or anyone else into that shop, who hears the voice of God and that's the day the Lord pursues them. That's the day. I mean, that was her day Amanda. That was beautiful. I know who waited till the last day to send me and it was kind of interesting. But yeah, he said, now you go. And so I went on a mission. I'm like, okay, and I took off towards the shop. All right. Revival shall break out in Chicago says the Lord gangs shall surrender to me. Now, I don't think that word is banned. I think it was something else, but he's talking about the gangs that are in Chicago, ban gangs. So maybe gangs that ban together is what he's saying. A shelter render to me says the Lord drug dealer shall throw their drugs in the street and repent. There is a move soon coming out of Chicago says the Lord, the winds of change are blowing in and blowing out the leadership that has made deals with gangs and dealers to keep their seats like a whirlwind. It shall be blown out says the Lord. Okay, Scott. Now, Chicago is on the Lord's radar too because the DNC has decided to have their convention in Chicago. So this is interesting that, you know, the winds of change are going to come in Chicago, the timing of it is interesting. Okay. Yes. They so need it. They so desperately need a move of God. They do. Chicago bestly needs it. Yes. Thus says the Lord. Around the time of September, there shall be events in tandem. Multiple, that's capital says the Lord, that are going to attempt to throw your nation into upheaval says the Lord. Do not fall for the charade or the public parade they attempt to put on to punish the people of this nation. For the upheaval, shall be a desperate attempt that shall look as if it is succeeding. However, ultimately shall cause much devastation through the branches of government for all three branches simultaneously are about to be shaken and shaken hard. That's capital says the Lord. For a whirlwind of their own making has turned on them and they're already weak branches shall shake and cause much to fall. Okay. Amanda, what do you think about that when he says around the time of September, there shall be events in tandem? Because I'm thinking another outbreak of something or what did you have any feeling towards that or? I heard something today that judge merchant actually moved up the sentencing now. Okay. We have to look it up, but I heard something of that that I think the sentencing is getting moved up. Okay. So I'm going to I'm going to look into that more. That may have something to do with this as well. But yes, if it's in tandem and it's multiple, there's going to be one after the other after the other. So yes, could it be? Could an outbreak definitely be in there? You know, or a pandemic? You write a whole bunch of pandemic? Absolutely. That could be one of those things. I'm going to tell you this too. You know, September, the high Holy Days start. Russia, Srinad and you have the 10 days of awe in it concludes with Jan Kippur. Within the 10 days of awe this year, because Russia, Srinad comes late. I believe Russia, Srinad comes late. Yes, it does. It comes a little later this year, the October 7th when you're anniversary will happen. So within the 10 days of awe between Russia, Srinad and when Russia, Srinad happens, the Jews believe a trial happens. A trial opens up on Russia, Srinad in the court of God that concludes on Jan Kippur. And the judge really, they believe this. Yes, they never heard that ever. Yet they believe that a trial happens and Jan Kippur is the conclusion of that trial. Well, it happens to come late this year. And so the October 7th anniversary will be caught within that 10 days of awe. When we say, can you explain what is Russia, Srinad? Okay, so Russia, Srinad is the Feast of Trump. So it's when the show far is blown. Okay. And then what is Jan Kippur? Jan Kippur is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. It is the day of atonement. We're on the day of atonement. Okay. For their sins and coincidentally, on the eve of Jan Kippur before it happens, a comment is showing up in the earth's atmosphere that hasn't come around in like a thousand years or something. I'm calling it the Jan Kippur comment, which is very interesting that this is happening. The night before Jan Kippur actually happens during the 10 days of awe. So, you know, we stop, we stop people. There's something in the air. Signs in the heavens. I mean, the Bible says, you'll see signs in the heavens. And God does do signs in the heavens. He still does that. Yes, he does. He absolutely does. And the timing of this comment showing up and when it shows up and why it's showing up. Yeah. Interesting. So, so exciting. I find it exciting. Well, it is exciting. I mean, it's definitely going to keep you on the edge of your seat. I'll see. I just were watching things unfold here. Okay. I love what God does. I mean, I see, you know, from hearing everyone share about what the Lord's doing, the sensing and hearing from the Lord, it's like, I'm excited to see all that God's doing because we know all the things He's doing are for good. It's for our good. Yes, it is for our good. It is God works all things together for good for those who love God. Nicole, according to his premise. Amen. Okay. I'm going to let you finish. No, you finish the word about September. Okay. Should people should people be they're obviously not afraid of what's happening because the Lord says here, do not fall for their charade or the public parade, they attempt to to put on to punish people. Yeah. So, don't fall for the charade. Remember that we're every this word. Right. Because there's going to be things coming. Remember that God said, don't fall for that. Okay. I am God. There is no other. Stay the course, my capital children. Stay the course with me. That's capital. Do not get spellbound by the prognosticators and puppets who will lure you to allow fear and rage to enter. Anchor in my capital word and you and your household shall and will be saved for the enemy is is desperately looking for weak areas right now to exploit to steal to destroy to cause chaos. He is attempting anyway he can and your authority through Christ Jesus and continually bringing that onslaught of power will stop serious attacks in this time. This is the hour for you to keep your sword of the spirit and shield of faith up continually. Do not let down your guard says the Lord for I am your front and rear guard says the Lord. Know this day what has been spoken forth will be accomplished in that I the Lord your God and with you my capital children even until the end of the age. The Lord is with you and will fight for you in this hour as you surrender and submit to my capital word my will my capital plans. So my capital purposes may be accomplished to their fullest in this unique time within the earth thus says the Lord in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen. So many good things Amanda. So many good things. Praise God. Okay. Will you pray for any all all of the people watching however the Lord leads you before we end today's show if God puts anything on your heart to share with anyone. We would love that I love when you pray. Okay. Thank you. Now if Sadie's tale goes by the computer just keep going. Close your eyes. We're praying. Because she's walking all over right now I've been trying to keep her tail down. Okay. Father God in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ Lord we come before you Lord we thank you for this time Lord we praise you for this time father. Lord we praise you in the name of Jesus Christ that you are high and lifted up for above every power principality and might Lord. Father we humble ourselves before you this day ask you to forgive us of our sins Lord cleans us of all and righteousness father. Forgive us of every way we have sinned and fallen short in you Lord. Father forgive us Lord washes cleans us father God. Lord we acknowledge your son Jesus Christ was the word became flesh and dwelt among us he was the Passover lamb. He willingly died for our sins he purchased us by the shedding of his own blood. He redeemed us he reconciled us back to you he made an open show and spectacle of the enemy before all of creation. And he rose again in three days miraculously he ascended back into heaven he rules and reigns victoriously at your right hand forevermore he is the king of kings and the Lord of lords he is our advocate without ceasing before your throne and we honor that before you this day. Father in the name of Jesus Christ we invite your presence the presence of Ruach alohim the spirit of the living God and the Holy Spirit the Ruach alkadesh Lord to fill where we are father God. Lord let your power and presence freely move father God now let your word go ahead of us Lord fill us with your wisdom counsel night power and the reverent your fear of the Lord. Father according to Ephesians chapter 6 I ask you put your whole and complete armor on your people father God in this time. Lord that you would remind them to armor up daily that this has to be a daily practice a daily discipline and the environment and the temperature that we are in father lord help us to continually armor up father God according to Ephesians chapter 6 as we are soldiers in the army of the living God and Lord we bring before you those who are watching father lord those who are seeking you father lord those that right now feel the weight of conviction falling upon them Lord we just in the name of Jesus Christ father God pray they would surrender and give their lives to you right now father God lord those lord that have been searching for you those who are watching that have considered themselves agnostics for so long that have been feeling the pull over the past month father God of continually being pulled back to watch lord eliza streams father God that they would surrender today that this is their valley of decision today and that they would give their lives fully and freely over to you through surrendering to Jesus Christ father God and we just pray for that now lord as the conviction is coming upon them those who are watching you have considered themselves agnostics for so long now is your time now is your hour to throw off the old man and become a new creation in Christ lord and we just pray for them right now father and Jesus name and lord in the name of Jesus father lord we take authority over every curse being

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