Mark Robinson Excoriates Reporters Over Their Coverage: 'I Am Sick Of It!'

4 months ago

Mark Robinson Excoriates Reporters Over Their Coverage: 'I Am Sick Of It!' BREAKING: Mark Robinson has been activated. He just said he's "Coming After CNN Full Throttle" for creating a hoax to lynch his historic campaign for governor

He's reacting by going on offense instead of letting the lies flourish

"Everything is up to legal counsel to take CNN to task for what they have done to us. We are going to go after them."

People forget that Robinson ran for Lieutenant Governor and WON with no problems. Then, out of nowhere, they "discover" messages he allegedly sent long ago, right before the election. It feels like an obvious plot by the Uniparty to take him out because it is.

Any Republican asking him to step down is a piece of feces. If Robinson is such an unpopular candidate as the pollsters claim, why are they coming after him with everything they've got? It's because he has a huge chance of winning and becoming another DeSantis-esque governor and turning the state permanently red through his policies.

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