Where Do Many Missing Children End Up? Are Satanic Rituals and Human Sacrifice Real?

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Here in the United States missing children have been a reality for as long as I can remember. For many years their faces were printed on the back of every milk carton that you can find. Most were attributed to runaway children or perhaps children who were taken by a parent illegally. At least this is what the mainstream media and those in charge wanted us to believe. For the last couple of decades evidence and testimony has come out that something insidious and purely evil has been happening to these children. I know this is still very hard for some to believe but it’s true. Tonight, we’ll look at the testimonies of many who will share what can only be titled as horror stories that happened to them. I do think it’s important to state that anyone under the age of 18 years old not view this video or listen to the show tonight. The content of the video I will present is disturbing and may not be suitable for even those over 18 years old if you are squeamish or things like this bother you. The show airs at noon on Tuesday pacific time on rumble and twitch.

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