9/23/24 god’s given us a new ship.❤️

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9/10/12 WYSIWYG ships Highway connections, edited for broadcast 9/22/24

And I dreamt that our movie company was in a ship that was made out of wood. There was no hull like there was, it was solid wood, solid logs put together very like a raft, except it was in the shape of a ship and it had sails. And we were all working. All of my staff, there's 35 on our staff and we were working on the ship and we were sailing in the roughest seas and we were, it was float. You could not sink the ship, you know, it's solid wood. It couldn't sink. It always would come up no matter how big the wave was. And we were all strapped to wherever we were working and we just hung on and we sailed to shore and the equipment that we had made it to shore safely.

And when we got to shore at the dock, we looked and there was all these brand new tank shipping containers and they were just brand new and they all said wizzy wig on it, you know, it was just beautiful. And so my staff started arguing about how are we going to get, how are we going to get that on this ship Because it wasn't big enough. Our ship wasn't big enough to carry the new equipment to do the task. And so they were arguing about will enlarge it. We need to go get logs and make it bigger and just, you know, you know, the same thing. And the argument got really heated because nobody understood.

And then the Holy Spirit, the Father spoke to me and he said, Richard, come, because there's something I haven't shown you and I had to wait till now to show it to you. And he took me into the dock, into the next dock over, and there was a brand new super tanker. It was brand new, I mean, right out of the factory, perfect in every single way. And he said, this is your ship. This is where you carry the equipment I want. Wow. And I said, this is just awesome. This is the Lord, praise God. This is what the Lord is doing. This is a great task, you know?

And so I went back to the my crew and I brought them to the new ship. So they went down, we went into the engine room and the engine room was so fantastic, was white and silver Chrome and it just was clean. You could eat on the engines, you know. And and our head grip man who is an engineer said, oh, this is fantastic, But he says it takes 140 men to run the engine. It takes 14 men to run the rudder. And so we got in another argument, because there's only 35 of us. He doesn't. We don't have enough people to do this. And so we're arguing.

Everybody's arguing how we going to run the ship. We can't run it. We don't even. It'll take us years to learn how to run it, you know, a ship of this quality and da da, da, da, da da. And so suddenly the Lord called me away and he took me up to the captain's place and he opened up the closet and there was this room full of garments. And they were all captain outfits. And he says, I have trained your people for four for 14 years to be captains, not to be workers on the ship. He says the workers already know how to how to run this ship. All your people need to do is say, go that way, go this way, go that way, go this way. And so he had me bring all of our people up and put them in captain hats. He said they know how to pray, They know how to intercede. None of the workers on the ship know how to do that. And we need them every day to just be interceding and praying and telling the ship the direction. Don't worry, These men know how to run the ship. They know how to fuel the ship. They know how to load the equipment. They know how to do that. They don't know how to pray. They don't know how to intercede. They don't know how to guide things.

And so that was a dream. Explain which men you're talking about. The the crew, oh, the crew is is all secular people. People that are not saved have nothing to do with Christianity. They're just workers. Do you understand? They were totally secular Hollywood people that know nothing about anything.

So now the second dream. I didn't tell is that when we sailed on that new ship, we were in the same seas that we were in before. But the ship was so large, there was no storm. It sailed through it perfectly straight. It was like there was no longer a storm whatsoever. Do you understand? And the Lord has warned us twice in prophecies that we were going to do something in the film industry that was going to be difficult for us and to produce.

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