“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

14 days ago


There's a great Howard Zinn quote, and I don't care what partisan persuasion you skewer towards, you will struggle to take issue with the wisdom of these words:

"Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

This sentiment runs in direct opposition to how we've been mentally conditioned from birth to accept slavery. An endless bombardment from teachers, parents, extended family members, neighbours, friends and most insidiously, the entire spectrum of cultural products devised by the Corporate Superstate, our new Imperial Overlords, have trained us to feel atomized, isolated, alone and most importantly, powerless.

This is an absolutely essential feature of any system of oligarchical rule, the necessity of neutralizing the obvious, mathematical threat of the many. There are many tactics brought to bear in order to achieve these ends that not only include conditioning the public to accept slavery, to mock anyone for alerting them to their predicament or to snicker at anyone for having the foolish temerity to put up some level of resistance against the tyranny of the Corporate Totalitarian Technocratic Fascist Dystopia, but they also feature the tried and tested, infallible principles of endless indoctrination, orchestrated distraction and the classic fallback: divide and conquer, the latter perhaps being the most powerful of all the tools weaponized to keep us perpetually enslaved.

This is why every single issue that arises in modern society becomes instantly partisan skewered, with competing narratives that harmonize within the manufactured realities of both Team Coke and Team Pepsi.

Ensuring that the public remain perpetually divided on every single issue prevents the type of solidarity the Corporate Superstate fears more than anything else. And for those who don't fall for this play, then all the other mechanisms kick in to ensure wilful submission to the aforementioned tyranny. This is why we all have 'Dizzy Dissident' friends who believe that everything is hopeless and futile. Little do they realize that their minds are programmed to think exactly these thoughts. They believe they're enlightened, they believe they're perceptive, they believe they're wise.

They're not.

They're just as brainwashed as everyone else. And I don't say that to denigrate them. I know a lot of people like this. In fact, most of the people I've ever met who see through many of the broader mechanisms of how the Corporate Superstate manufactures conformity and compliance tend to be conditioned this way.

So this is why I've taken the time to try to re-educate these lost souls. On this excerpt from 'The Velvet Buzzsaw Part Five' on Cinephobia Radio, I present for your slooshying endurement a recent case history of how the wisdom of Zinn's simple admonition can be observed in a radical moment of resistance in recent Canadian history, where a number of small acts, multiplied by millions of people, helped to save this country from a much more intense descent into full-blown totalitarianism than what we've already become accustomed to.

This excerpt was taken from Cinephobia Radio #036

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Revox Tape Deck Video by Matthias Wunderlich
Adhesive Tape by Vecteezy.com

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